Please share with friends and family. We are seeking video testimonials about people’s experiences delivering in the hospital during a pandemic.
This is a part of our virtual expo being held starting next week. Other topics will include if home birth is right for you? An OBs perspective and a mental health discussion surrounding Covid-19 and pregnancy!
We are super excited about the information being shared. You won’t want to miss it. Tickets are FREE and can be found on Eventbrite!
Have you experienced a hospital birth during the pandemic? If so, you’re eligible to enter our $50 Amazon Gift Card giveaway!
How to enter:
Submit a short video, telling us when and where you birthed your baby, and briefly answer the following questions:
💜 What is one item you were so glad to have with you/or that you wish you’d brought with you?
💜 What surprised you most about the hospital setting? If this wasn’t your first birth, what was the biggest difference between your pre-COVID hospital birth and now?
💜 What piece of advice or information do you wish you would have received prior to delivery?
Videos may be submitted through Facebook messenger or emailed to [email protected] and will be used to create a compilation that we will air during our expo. Videos selected will be based on submissions received. The deadline for submissions is SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3rd by 11:59pm EST.
This giveaway is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with Facebook or Instagram.