Over the years, I've noticed traces of my work mirrored by creators far more prominent than Aesthetic Perfection. I'm referring to colossal artists who operate on an entirely different level. Initially, I refused to believe that these individuals could have been influenced by someone as relatively small and insignificant as myself. To entertain such a notion would have felt like pure egotism, a concept I vehemently oppose.
However, years later, undeniable evidence has surfaced indicating that not only were these artists acquainted with my work, but they were also enthusiasts of the very creations I had doubted they could have possibly emulated.
Who the artists were or what they took inspiration from is irrelevant. As Picasso is purported to have said:
"Good artists borrow. Great artists steal."
No idea is original and we're all standing on the shoulders of giants. What *is* relevant, is that all of us, no matter how small, have the ability to influence the world. What we do ripples outward in ways we cannot possibly imagine.
Self doubt is not a virtue, and believing in yourself isn't egotism. We all need to internalize the truth that even if we can't see it yet, our influence on the world is already being felt. Our influence is out there working its magic.
📸 Max Wichmann (wichmann.work)