Hopeless Romantic
I have a secret that is gigantic
That I am a hopeless romantic
I believe in true romantic love
But know it is hard to get hold of
There are billions of people I see
Yet only one that is right for me
I am very jealous of couples who dance
Because I have never had the same chance
I would like a partner but I haven’t tried
On every Valentine’s Day I have cried
I know most people would not understand
That being alone is not what I planned
I am transgender, asexual, and complex
I want the love but do not want the sex
I want someone who also wants me
Who does not care if I am a he or a she
The odds are against me and alone I will die
But these feelings I have I cannot deny
True love accepts someone even in their mess
And doesn't resign the love game of Chess
In 37 years, I have never even had a date
But I hope to someday find my check mate
#valentine #valentines #valentineday
Chastity Explains the French Defense
Teaching the Queen's Gambit to Tam with the iPad
Tam is a long time friend who is not always present with us because of health and other life challenges. However, she loves Chess, and so I am more than happy to teach her all the cool things I know.
It's also important to mind that Tam asked about castling and en-passant. Both of these rules seem to be forgotten by players who are not playing every day and familiar with the world of online Chess and resources.
There are more resources for learning Chess than ever before in history. There are also more websites than anyone can imagine, but lichess.org remains my favorite website for playing Chess. That's why it is what I promote in my videos.
I look forward to giving Tam more exciting Chess lessons, so if you want more, please follow, like, or subscribe!
Also, this is the edited version where I added songs with lyrics at the beginning and end, just like you would see in any TV show!
Chastity's Chess Challenge
Style: International Anthem of Chess Equality
Chastity sat down
Chessboard in the light
Pieces in a row
Ready for the night
[Verse 2]
Every piece unique
Knights jump around
Bishops slide oblique
Soon the pawns surround
Checkmates and castles
Battles on the squares
Chastity’s got the tactics
Winning everywhere
[Verse 3]
Opponents get nervous
Rooks move with speed
Chastity keeps her cool
Focused indeed
[Verse 4]
She'll show you the websites
Where she likes to play
Just watch her stream highlights
And you'll learn the way
Every move calculated
Every step so clear
She's the queen of the board
No need to fear
[Verse 5]
We don't always make the best move
But the point of Chess is to have fun
If you keep playing you will improve
You'll believe me when the game is done
[Verse 6]
Whether you are a powerful queen
Or just a slow moving pawn
Soon you'll become a chess machine
Playing in your dreams from dusk to dawn
[Verse 7]
Some people call Chess a game
While others say it's a fight
Perhaps it's all the same
The dance of black and white
[Verse 8]
Chess is for people of every kind
It doesn't matter who or what you are
You have all the power in your mind
Learn to checkmate like a star
I am aware that the scrolling of the lyrics in the video is not perfect. However, the lyrics are provided below so that you can follow along if you wish. What was perfect was the scrolling transition from and to my logo at the beginning and end of the video.
Chess for All (Rap version)
Board is set let's play our game
Everyone can join the same
Pieces move their timeless dance
In chess there's always a chance
[Verse 2]
Kings and queens on either side
Pawns advance with humble pride
No one's left out in this fight
A game of skill no dark no light
Chess for all chess for you
Every move it's something new
No matter who or where you are
In this game we're all a star
[Verse 3]
Black or white it doesn't matter
On this board no walls to shatter
Rich or poor we all belong
In this fight we're going strong
[Verse 4]
Even if you've never played
There's no need to be afraid
Anyone can learn this game
That's why chess has so much fame
Male or female gay or straight
At this table no one's late
Every voice and move unique
All together we are sleek
[Verse 5]
Anyone can win this game
But when you lose feel no shame
Even masters make mistakes
All your games are just remakes
[Verse 6]
Each new player finds their style
When you find it you will smile
Books and courses help us learn
What we need to take our turn
Chess for all chess for you
Every move it's something new
No matter who or where you are
In this game we're all a star
Chastity's Chess Challenge
Style: International Anthem of Chess Equality
Chastity sat down
Chessboard in the light
Pieces in a row
Ready for the night
[Verse 2]
Every piece unique
Knights jump around
Bishops slide oblique
Soon the pawns surround
Checkmates and castles
Battles on the squares
Chastity’s got the tactics
Winning everywhere
[Verse 3]
Opponents get nervous
Rooks move with speed
Chastity keeps her cool
Focused indeed
[Verse 4]
She'll show you the websites
Where she likes to play
Just watch her stream highlights
And you'll learn the way
Every move calculated
Every step so clear
She's the queen of the board
No need to fear
[Verse 5]
We don't always make the best move
But the point of Chess is to have fun
If you keep playing you will improve
You'll believe me when the game is done
[Verse 6]
Whether you are a powerful queen
Or just a slow moving pawn
Soon you'll become a chess machine
Playing in your dreams from dusk to dawn
[Verse 7]
Some people call Chess a game
While others say it's a fight
Perhaps it's all the same
The dance of black and white
[Verse 8]
Chess is for people of every kind
It doesn't matter who or what you are
You have all the power in your mind
Learn to checkmate like a star
Apotris Reel 4.0.2 40 Line Sprint TST
I recently downloaded the latest version of Apotris and this is my first 40 line sprint using the T Spin Triple loop strategy.
#tetris #apotris
Apotris 4.0.2 40 Line Sprint TST
I recently downloaded the latest version of Apotris and this is my first 40 line sprint using the T Spin Triple loop strategy.
#tetris #apotris
Apotris 4.0.2 40 Line Sprint TST
I recently downloaded the latest version of Apotris and this is my first 40 line sprint using the T Spin Triple loop strategy.
#tetris #apotris