I’m aww of the work I have created.
Never would I have imagined such joy this craft would bring me ❤️
I love it for sure. I can’t wait to take these pieces to their new owners.
I have a few more things to make and then I can head to McMinnville and bring them to the lovely people who enjoy my work just as much as I do!!
And to think I only started creating in December. Tons of trial and error and still many many things to learn. Over all my hobby is one of my favorite things. ❤️
If y’all are wanting a keychain I will glady gladly make you one if I can find patterns!
I plan to make up a few different designs and make a few keychains of each and they will be for sale $15 each.
This fiber art has given so much joy to me. I’m extremely passionate about doing it. And it helps me cope with my anxiety through out the day. Especially being a stay at home mom and not having much interaction with anyone other then my kids and when George gets home. So sitting and creating these keychains has truly made me very happy.
I will also be slowly working on some wall hangings. Those will take a while longer to create. But eventually I will have those for sale too. 😊 just got to load up on more embroidery floss in various colors. And get a good supply stocked up so I can keep creating. Anyways. Here is a picture of my work. I hope y’all enjoy 😊 ❤️