Got questions about the upcoming presidential transition? Watch UPK author Heath Brown discuss the transition of power on CNN. Don't forget to pick up a copy of Brown's book Roadblocked: Joe Biden's Rocky Transition to the Presidency here:
Listen to UPK author Wes Henricksen talk about his book In Fraud We Trust: How Leaders in Politics, Business, and Media Profit from Lies - and How to Stop Them, on News Talk 1540 KXEL:
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Listen to UPK author Kathy Rose-Mockry talk about her book Liberating Lawrence: Gay Activism in the 1970s at the University of Kansas on Kansas Public Radio:
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Listen to UPK author R. Kenton Bird talk about his co-authored book Tom Foley: The Man in the Middle with John C. Pierce, on Spokane Public Radio here:
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Listen to UPK author Spencer D. Bakich talk about his book The Gulf War: George H. W. Bush and American Grand Strategy in the Post-Cold War Era, on The Heartland Institute's IllLiteracy pocast:
DON'T FORGET to pick up a copy of the book here:
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