Kiesha’s Publications and Creations LLC.

Kiesha’s Publications and Creations LLC. Publishing company, Screenwriter, Editing, Ghostwriting. Everything publishing


Oh my GOD thank you so much Karron Dodd that was amazing. I'm so excited and I can't wait for our next interview.
Thank you for the comforting, welcoming place to talk.
And to my sisters that kept me leveled and calm
Tarsha Williams Kynesia Rodgers Jasmine Tilman Thank y'all for just being who y'all are.

‼️‼️‼️LADIES‼️‼️‼️The WWWC for the Romance Edition is now open! We only accept 10 women a month. Sign up for the October...


The WWWC for the Romance Edition is now open! We only accept 10 women a month. Sign up for the October 1st - November 1st challenge. ❤️❤️ Join the waitlist today!

Do you need that extra push to complete that ROMANCE novel? Well join us in Infinite Dream Queens: Urban Fiction and Romance Writers to get that extra boost. You’ll get that accountability partner for support with routine check ins and encouragement.
You get to complete a novel in a month

Join the waiting list to join our next Women write word count challenge!

Hey everyone , Jasmine Tilman cover is entered  for a chance to win the Best Book Cover in the UBAWA contest , she need ...

Hey everyone , Jasmine Tilman cover is entered for a chance to win the Best Book Cover in the UBAWA contest , she need our votes to win.

“Activate Your Mind: Shift Your Thoughts”Unlock the power of your thoughts with Activate Your Mind: Shift Your Thoughts....

“Activate Your Mind: Shift Your Thoughts”

Unlock the power of your thoughts with Activate Your Mind: Shift Your Thoughts. This book is packed with motivational quotes designed to inspire, uplift, and transform your mindset. Each quote is accompanied by concise, impactful descriptions that guide you toward positive thinking and personal growth. Whether you need a daily dose of inspiration or a quick mental reset, this book offers the motivation you need to shift your thoughts and activate your full potential. Start your journey to a more empowered and purposeful life today.

You ever want something so bad you don't eat, or sleep? You just work towards it. Every dollar, drop of sweat, blood and...

You ever want something so bad you don't eat, or sleep? You just work towards it. Every dollar, drop of sweat, blood and tears goes towards this dream and at every turn people tell you to give up? They tell you you're not good enough. They say you'll never make it, but you keep hustling. You train, read, eat and sleep this dream no matter what they say. Then someone comes along and they believe just as much as you do. They lose sleep with you. They cry with you. They carve a way for you to reach all of your goals. Then in a heartbeat, they hold your dream in their hands.

If so then you understand Rosé's heart completely.

What would you do to get it back? What would you do to keep everything you've worked so hard for?

See what Rosé does in...




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UNEDITED WIPEXPECTED RELEASE DATE 9/1 ( working towards this release date 🤪🤪🤪) Growing up in a loving home with her fost...

EXPECTED RELEASE DATE 9/1 ( working towards this release date 🤪🤪🤪)

Growing up in a loving home with her foster parents Todd Lee Banks and Nicera Loraine Banks,
Cy’amie Niair Banks thought love was the next best thing to her having parents. She gushed about how much love they showed her and each other it was like living in the story of a fairytale love. But that fairytale ended when Cy’amie turned fifteen and Todd kicked them out of the house for his best friend's wife with just enough to get a place for a month and a month's worth of food. That threw Nicera into heavy drinking and paying little to no attention to Cy’amie. Cy’amie, being as smart and talented as she was turned her focus on school and poetry and helped her mom through as much as she could. But the longer Todd was gone the more depressed Nicera got adding depression meds to the alcohol spiraling. With Cy’amie being only fifteen, it was starting to take a toll on her. Brian Lamar Taylor, known for his dominance on the courts and good looks had his eyes on Cy’amie since she enrolled in Madison High. But Cy’amie blocked out any efforts from any males. Cy’amie’s vision of love ends when she takes one look at her mother, she then thinks that love is hopeless. But one day Cy’amie receives a four-page letter that may change her sights on love for good. After all, love was always non-existent to her anyway.

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Do you need a professional website?
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It take me a second because so many things go on in this head of mines… but it gets done eventually🤷🏾‍♀️WIP👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 work...

It take me a second because so many things go on in this head of mines… but it gets done eventually🤷🏾‍♀️

WIP👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 work in progress

The sounds of Queen Mary's screams echo through the halls as King Robert nervously paces back and forth in the hallway with his guards in their places and two assisting him. Queen Mary was giving birth to Princess Nya. Her midwife Agatha sat at the foot of her in the delivery position. Prince Steve was down the hallway in his room, waiting for his baby sister or brother.

Eleven years later
The King and Queen sat in the reading room talking about how the children were getting older and seemed to be a bit too much for Agatha. She's also getting older but had been with the King and Queen for years even before Prince Steve was born. They talked about Mary's stepsister as a live-in caregiver to help Agatha.
"Sweetheart, we have to get Agatha some help around here. She's trying to keep up with Prince Steve and he's fifteen now, and Princess Nya is twelve; She's a handful alone." King Robert said sympathetically.
"I know, I mean I can barely keep up with them myself."
"My Queen, I know how you feel about your stepsister."
"Then why would you bring her up?" Queen Mary snapped.
"Well, do you have another option? Like someone, we don't know. We can just have Bashna do a protective seal before she comes." Queen Mary just sat quietly.
"I don't know honey, it's too risky seeing I haven't heard from her in years. You know we never got along. Queen Mary didn't think she'd have to remind the King of their past.
I know, but she is your sister, and we may have no other choice."
Queen Mary
"Stepsister! And I know we'll be needing help soon. I've noticed Agatha's age. She's been with my family since I was born. But I just know how she feels about me, and I don't want to put our children in danger."
"We need to speak with Agatha. What other choice do we have?"

The family sat at the dinner table of the huge den decorated in gold and white while Agatha served them their plates.
"Agatha, can you come sit and eat with us? We need to speak with you." Agatha, African (48) Empathetic, Stern, and helpful, makes her plate and sits at the dinner table.
"Children, can you two go and eat in the other dining area while we speak with Agatha?"
"Daddy, is Agatha in trouble?" Princess Nya asked curiously.
"No! not at all honey."
"Father, do I have to I'm a teenager?" Prince Steve always obeys his father, but they loved Agatha and he felt it was something wrong.
"Son, the adults have something important to speak with her about, but it's for adult ears only, Now do as you told and no more questions." King Robert spoke sternly.
Princess Nya and Prince Steve obeyed their fathers demand and walked sadly into the smaller den to finish their dinner. As they were walking out, they heard bits of the conversation.
"What is it, my King?" King Robert looks at Agatha empathetically saying.
"Agatha, you've been with us for a very long time." Agatha let out a deep gasp holding her chest. The King and Queen look at Agatha realizing what Agatha was thinking.
"Oh no, Agatha, this isn't that type of a conversation." Queen Mary/KIng Robert
"What he's saying is that we feel that you may need a bit more help around the house. We need more help around the house. I mean with both children getting older so are we." Agatha let out a big sigh of relief
"Oh, I almost thought I had done my dues and it was my time to go." They all laughed but Agatha as in both King and Queen all seemed uncomfortable and Agatha noticed as Queen Mary stuffed the spoon of food in her mouth and looked over at Agatha smiling while chewing. Agatha drops her spoon to her plate
Okay so, what is this conversation really about? I've been with you'll over twenty years. You don't think I know you'll?" King Robert cleared his throat and shifted in his seat.
"Agatha, we were thinking of asking Andromeda to come and help around the house.
At the sound of Andromeda's name Agatha cringed. She jumped up.with a worried look on her face.
"Why? Why would you want her around your children when she never liked you growing up? Did you forget what she used to do to you? How jealous of you she was?"
"I do understand but that's why we still want you here Agatha... and we'll pay close attention."
"You can't be too careful with people like that! How do you think Doris will feel? You can't believe that now that you're grown her feelings have changed? And you want her to work for you? You can't be serious about this.?"
Agatha looks over at the King.
"King?" The king just looked down, not looking at Agatha for a while then stood.
"We think this is the best way to keep strangers from coming in trying to do things to us. Now we know Doris, we know what she's capable of and we don't plan on giving her that opportunity!"
"Well, I'm just putting out my concerns, you don't know what Doris is capable of today! But I apologize for seeming to disrespect the two of you. I will support your decision." Meanwhile, the children stood at the door of the dining area and the adults were to eavesdrop. They heard the entire conversation the adults were having. When they didn't hear the adults talking anymore, they rushed back to where they were told to go looking worried. They both sat quietly for a while not eating. Prince Steve drops his fork he was stirring around his plate and looks up at Princess Nya.
"Who do you think this Doris is? Mother or father never mentioned that we had an aunt, and neither did Agatha. She also knows about this person and even seems a bit horrified by the mention of her name."
Princess Nya just looked at Prince Steve worried at what she'd just heard.
"What are we going to do?" Steve asked.
"What can we do Steve? Agatha couldn't even stop them and she's older than them."

I heard this clown ass n***a named Buddy coming, and he was singing. By the time he finally made his way down to my s**t...

I heard this clown ass n***a named Buddy coming, and he was singing. By the time he finally made his way down to my s**t, he saw my expression, he stopped singing and his smile dropped.
He got quiet and was just standing there, never saying s**t! He froze up because them n***as knew me real good… so he knew that look I had meant I wasn’t in a people mood!
“What n***a? You standing yo’ ass in my door like a fu***ng zombie, what the f**k you want?” I layed the book to the side and started raising up off my bunk. I paused after he started backing out of my door.
“My bad man, I just came to see what was up with you since I ain’t see you out in the yard,” I looked at his ass with a scowl he’d never understand. I could tell by the expression on his face that he didn’t understand, but I didn’t give a f**k! It wasn’t his damn business why I’m pi**ed!
“N***a do I look like a kid that needs checked on? I’m trying to educate myself like a lot of you dumb ass n***as should be doing instead of out on the yard lifting fu***ng weights! Y’all bi***es still gone stick other n***as dicks down they throats! So the least you n***as can do is learn some s**t! Advance your f**kin brains n***a! I ain’t in the f**kin mood to be around nobody so back the f**k on up outta here potna! That's why I ain't out there now move around!”
He knew not to say another word, but he still just stood there like he was scared to move! As if he didn’t know whether to walk away or stand in obedience like he needed me to excuse his ass physically!
“My n***a bounce the f**k up outta here before I throw yo ass over that f**kin railing, I’m trying not to trip with you my n***a!” I stood all the way up this time and walked to my door looking at his ass, letting him know whatever he confused about he was about to find out if he didn't step the f**k off! He backed up with his hands up as if he was surrendering.

“Aight my bad man, I’ll holla at you later,” He knew better than to say anything else other than what he said. I walked back to my bed and slammed the book closed, not even able to concentrate anymore.


"D-a-m-m-n!" She said and tried to start some typa s**t but I wasn't tryna hear none of that s**t!

"Girl, what the f**k is wrong with you?" I finally asked because I wanted to really know where she thought I was going wrong at.

"N***a what the f**k wrong with you?" She snapped like she was crazy.

"You dropped that good, strawberry-smelling ass p***y up on my s**t bare without my permission! If that s**t didn't smell so fu***ng edible and wasn't good and tight then a mutherf**ker I would have knocked your ass off my s**t when we started!" Now she is looking shocked mouth open trying to figure out what she got herself into, so I told her "Yeah! That's the type of s**t I'm on baby girl, you don't just go around doing that type of s**t to any fu***ng body do you?"


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Fifteen pages to go for completion!
Staying focused had been my biggest issue. But I've been getting much better with it this year. I guess now I'll work on the cover and then return to complete it. Tomorrow, it will finally be a complete 100 pages of motivation.

DESIRE (NERVOUSLY)         "Uh, we've actually been gone since this morning. But yes,  the girl Autumn that you'll has b...

"Uh, we've actually been gone since this morning. But yes, the girl Autumn that you'll has been looking for because of hurting someone and putting her in the
hospital. So now I'm sure she's the
one that's responsible for this
incident! I'm sure this was her."
"Okay, well... what I'm about to tell
you is a bit of a shocker, we found a
young lady tied up in your attic. Skylar gasped and Desire jumped up, holding her chest.
"Oh my GOD! Is she okay? Is she alive?
"Oh my GOD momma, was my window
"The ladder was leaned on the side of
the house and your window was opened."
"Oh my GOD Autumn! I know it's
Skylar looked at the officer curiously as did Desire. The
ambulance came down the stairs carefully carrying someone
covered in a white sheet and put them on the stretcher.
Desire began to rush over but the officers held her back.
"Oh my GOD! is she dead?"

YOU GOT TO CLICK THAT LINK (I don’t think you’ll regret it at all).BUY IT FOR YOU AND/OR FRIENDS AND FAMILY (This the la...

YOU GOT TO CLICK THAT LINK (I don’t think you’ll regret it at all).
BUY IT FOR YOU AND/OR FRIENDS AND FAMILY (This the last book I curse this much in).😒😒😒


Ok Marcus, so now that you have us, what are you going to do with us, kill us?” I dreaded the answer to that because there seemed to only be three choices here (1). He takes me and Xavier and we all skip town and he holds me hostage until Don or the police finds us (2). Don finds us soon and kills this delusional idiot for kidnapping my son and letting him see all this bulls**t! Like seeing my mother beat to a bloody pope! My son will forever remember that image! And (3). The dreadful one! That’s he kills me and him and that duranged ass bitch takes my son and raises him. I was hoping for number two. I had to think.

“Marcus! The dude told me if I didn’t leave with him right then he was gonna kill my family, you and me anyways! I was afraid why won’t you just listen to me! I had to cut all ties from you Marcus! How do you think he made you sign over your rights to your son!” I knew I would be able to get him with that! I saw the change in his face so I knew I had struck a nerve, the nerves I knew needed to be tampered with.
I wanted to play the victim here, which in a way I’m a victim to all their asses! I just wanted out! Outta this whole mess! With Marcus and Don, I wanted to just take my son and disappear!

“So Sharane, what you trying to tell me is for all that time, you were a hostage? A woman free to go wherever she wanted to go, to her own store where she could've called me, hell you could’ve called the police! You want me to believe that?”
I've been with you since you left me Sharane, this wasn’t no sudden s**t baby girl. This was very well played. You see... I thought you and him were going on a vacation and leaving Jr. But since y’all took him this was my next plan.” I just looked at him with fierceness, I was tired and whatever was going to happen can just happen! I had nothing else left for this n***a but to try and let him feel I was afraid of Don the same damn way he was! I didn’t care If I’d stayed with Don till death! He puts fear into anybody Marcus knew he was just as afraid of Don than I was. Why else would he sign his own son over to him?

Sharane Miller was a very easygoing girl with a good head on her shoulders. She started fashion designing very young making outfits for her dolls. As she got older she begin making clothes for her sisters and friends in school. She had her life all mapped out, after graduating she planned to open...






It’s not your reaction
It’s your response


🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰MY BABY

Once the story was run down to me, the bitch Tara shot Sharane... Then, I guess the n***a Marcus shot her and blew her b...

Once the story was run down to me, the bitch Tara shot Sharane... Then, I guess the n***a Marcus shot her and blew her brains out. Brandon says he followed the first shot and the voices and says when he walked in Marcus had Sharane in his arms weeping, then he shot his ass in his head!


Today has been relaxing

Haven’t been too pressured per usual

Been in submission mode and finally focused without a lot of distractions




Paypay Moore


Las Vegas, NV





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