In 1977, CHRISTIAN TELEVISION CORPORATION began its long, and sometimes, difficult struggle to meet the approval of the Federal Communications Commission and thus obtain a construction permit. During the year and 8 months to follow, Bob D'Andrea and his one employee Ginny Oliver, endeavored to make known to the general public, as well as to the churches, that a Christian television station was on
its way to the Suncoast area. A television station that was to be totally devoted to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, an alternative to the filth and corruption seen on secular television. that CHRISTIAN TELEVISION CORPORATION had been granted their construction permit. It was a time of rejoicing and praising God for His faithfulness and His guidance. However, that was only the beginning of more prayer and planning, as the Lord led in miracle after miracle, while preparation was under way for the construction of the facilities that would house a 5,000,000 watt Christian television station. March of 1979, saw the purchase of $300,000.00 worth of studio cameras at the purchase price of $60,000 ... all paid for by one faithful brother. In July, CHRISTIAN TELEVISION CORPORATION, now officially “WCLF-TV” – “WHERE CHRIST’S LOVE FLOWS”, held their ground-breaking ceremonies. It was a rainy 4th of July, but the hearts of those present felt the power of God move as prayers of thanksgiving were offered up to our Lord. True freedom was celebrated that day, freedom that would be seen across the air waves, as Channel 22 would soon be on the air. October rolled around and it was time to sign on the air. Although the building had not yet been completed, a generous mobile home distributor gave us several mobile homes that housed the equipment and offices. It was from these cramped quarters that Channel 22 signed on the air at 9:30 pm, October 24th, 1979, from an outdoor, open air site. Bob’s first words on Florida’s first Christian television station were: “Jesus Christ, the Living Son of the Living God, is the One to whom this station is dedicated”. This night saw the beginning of many miracles to come. A young boy who was watching claimed his healing, and for the first time in his life, he could hear – his deaf ears had been opened by the power of God. This was what Bob felt to be the sign of approval upon the endeavor to bring the “Good News” to a lost and dying world. Since our humble beginnings of over 45 years ago, CTN has produced more than 30,000 Christian programs. And today, the good news of Christ has expanded from reaching a few thousand people in 1979, to reaching millions of homes all over North America, Hawaii, into parts of Mexico, Central and South America, Europe and the Islands of the Caribbean.