Anonymously Speaking
December 5 2024
by Kimberly Mann
Anonymously speaking ; , there is very little reason to write anonymously on social media. This is the answer to a question posed. If someone wants to know who wrote something, it only takes a little digging or knowledge of a person’s grammar and literary style to discover the person behind the pen. But, there is another reason not to post anonymously.
Arguments for a blind post consist of but not limited to “political firing is rampant”, “friends will unfriend me”, and “people will attack me personally”. All of these are actually arguments for posting with your real name.
Be resolute in your beliefs. If you believe what you write or say, then it is something to be stood for with heels dug in firmly. It’s not the easy way but it is the right way. When someone attacks you personally for a statement, show them the right way of having a disagreement by requesting facts that oppose the information provided.
Having your say is what the United States is all about. It’s the one thing that sets us apart from other nations. When we back down from that fight to have our voices heard or let others fall because of retaliation by government sources regardless of our agreement or disagreement, we have ripped off another piece of that treasured paper which reads First Amendment.
It takes a village is a jaw dropping phrase when put into action. When villagers stand against wolves that want to devour them for breakfast, they find ways to defend every living soul. When citizens stand with their name firmly written in the ground for our Constitution, they not only improve the life of those they stand for but also their families and loved ones who will enjoy the riches of Freedom of Speech.
December 5 2024by Kimberly Mann Anonymously speaking ; , there is very little reason to write anonymously on social media. This is the answer to a question posed. If someone wants to know who wrote…