Wrap Around White Noise
Did this wrap around "White noise" pattern for a friend to cover up his attempt at hand stippling on his G26. What do you think?
White Noise Wrap Around
A friend came to use with his G26 which he attempted to do a hand stippling job on. Well, it really didn't come out very good. So we told him we would try to correct his hand stippling attempt with our "white noise" pattern done in a wrap around with the laser. How do you think our wrap around came out?
Completed a great Kryptek camo job and laser stippling on a Glock 19 for our great friends at Florida Firearms Academy. We sent out the slide for some great slide work by our partners HRH Combat Arms L.L.C. in Ft Worth, TX.
Tetris on G 43
Customer came in today and wanted a Tetris pattern stippled on his Glock 43. No problem. Come see us for your laser stippling needs.
Factory Markings Reapplied
Reinserting factory markings.
Happy Independence Day everyone!
#merica #4thofjuly #brexit1776 #kilodeltatactical #murica
Glock 17 RTS Pattern
OK, yesterday we posted the left side of this Glock 17 with the RTS pattern inverted. Today, here's the right side of the same Zombie Green Glock 17 with the same RTS pattern (right side up, NOT inverted) with the Kilo Delta logo inserted on the handle. If possible compare the left and right side, same pattern, completely different look.
Remember, no matter what pattern you come up with, it can be changed completely by simply inverting the pattern.
#glock #glock17 #laserstippling #zombiegreen #semiautohandgun #handgun
Glock 17 RTS stipple pattern
Here’s an inverted RTS pattern laser stippled onto a zombie green cerakoted Glock 17 frame. Noticed we reinserted the Glock logo back into the frame. If you would like a laser stipple pattern on your Glock, please call us.
#glock #g17 #zombiegreen #semiauto
Personalized Military License Plates
In addition to laser engraving/stippling your guns, we can make personalized military license plates commemerating your military service. This one reflects my service in the USAF and lists the Security Police Squadrons I served in. We can list your units, your branch (i.e. infantry, artillery, etc) or your ship or any specialized qualification badge you might have earned. Personalized plates go for $25.00 plus shipping if needed.
#laserengraving #kilodeltatactical #military #America #veterans #customizeit
Cerakote and Laser Engraving Combo
Project completed in the shop today. A very nice Colt Mustang .380 with the frame cerakoted in the Elite Midnight Blue and the slide laser engraved with a very nice floral pattern. This is a nice and very stylish purse or pocket self defence gun. We can do this is your gun. Contact us for more info.
NFA Review channel
A little something for our good friend Adam with the NFA Review Channel. Do you have something you would like on your PMag? If so, give us a call at Kilo Delta Tactical and we'll help you out.
Laser Stippled Glock frame
A sample of KD's new laser stippling capabilities. This is the "RTS" pattern on a Glock 19 frame that's been cerakoted Zombie Green. The RTS pattern is on both sides. One side is a positive and the other side is a negative of the RTS pattern. By changing the pattern this way it looks like two completely different patterns. The Glock logo was inserted on one side and the Kilo Delta logo on the other side. What do you think?