On Site with Blast
Special Hispanic Heritage Month episode with Councilmember Janet Diaz and Founder of WEPA Center Rafael Torres.
After a year full of sold out shows this is how the relationship between U Street Media and Zoetropolis began. #partnership #soldout #event #UStreetMedia #Zoetropolis
You can definitely do both! #prayer #therapy #mentalhealth #podcast
On Site with Blast season 2 episode 10
Today on the show Blast sit dow with his father and only sibling as they discuss alittle bit about their upbrining, the loss of their mother/wife how they're managing to cope with it, and the influence she's left on all of them
On Site with Blast Season 2 Episode 9
Tonight on the show Blast sit down with autheor Solita Smallwood Day. together they discuss the courage it took to finally openup about being sexaully assaulted, the toll it took on her, confrontingher abuser years later and writing a book which took 30+ years to complete.
On site with Blast
Season 2 episode 7
Carin Seals Continued
Today Blast sits with Carin Seals as she discusses how a collage graduate got mixed up in a drug trafficking case as well as a wire fraud case, standing tall when her peers didn't, how she feels about snitching and how a ten year bid changed her forever.
On site with Blast
Season 2 Episode 6
Today on the show Blast sits with Carin Seals as she discusses how a collage graduate got mixed up with a drug trafficking case, as well as a wire fraud case, standing tall when her peers didn't, how she feels about snitching now, and how a ten year bid changed her forever.
On site with Blast
season 2 episode 5
Today on the show Blast sits down with comedian Joshua Dweh and they discuss the comedy game , inspiration and a little about his upbringing.
On site with blast
season 2 episode 4
Today on on site with Blast he sits with T.J. Griffin and Jose Rios. we discuss their genius business idea in Creative Hope Studios, the trials and tribulations of entrepreneurship and Hip Hop!
On Site with blast
Season 2 Episode 3
Tonight blast sits down with Todd Smith and they touch on everything from entrepreneurship, running your business the right way, the magic of zoetropolis and legalized MDMA.
On Site with Blast Season 2 episode 2
today on the show blast sits down with Dr. Latina Shell and they tackle the topic of mental health. Some of the topics discussed were mental stability post pandemic, how mental health effects your children, the mental strain of being black in America and much, much more.
On Site with Blast Season 2 episode 1
On the season premiere Blast interviews Lancaster City Councilmember and current candiadate for the 49th District Janet Diaz. They touch on everything from her passion for healthcare, the insane housing market, her stance on the marijuana laws and much more.