Approximately eight years ago, while working as an Assistant Professor at the University of South Florida College of Medicine, I was asked to put together a presentation for Mental Health Awareness Month. Unsure what to present, I decided that I would do a presentation on parenting. I sat and tried to come up with a simple, yet comprehensive view of parenting. I wanted to encompass information tha
t every parent wants, while including aspects often ignored in popular parenting books. I recalled all of the parents who came to my office asking for parenting help, complaining that having a child did not come with a handbook. Finalizing a format for my presentation, I came up with the concept of a parenting perspective that he influenced my clinical practice ever since. Now, all these years later, my co-author and I have taken that 90 minute presentation and turned it into an actual manual ("Handbook") for parents. Wanting to maintain as much control and possession as possible of our ideas, thoughts, and rights, we decided to self-publish the Handbook for Raising an Emotionally Health Child, thus leading to the creation of Paedeia, LLC. The plan for Paedeia as a publishing company if two fold. First, through Paedeia, we will publish additional titles that focus on development, life, mental health, parenting, teaching, and relationships. While the first title will be published and available to the public in June 2012, we are already starting additional titles that we hope to have completed in the near future. Second, through Paedeia we will provide workshops, seminars, training sessions, and conferences for professionals, parents, teachers, and others interested in learning more about how they can better themselves and their relationships with others. More information will be coming available soon and we are looking forward to partnering with various organizations, churches, and other social support agencies in the community. Our simple goal - Reach out and disseminate information to as many people as possible.