Nutrition talk based on my opinions and research, also know I’m sure there are some arguments about it!
Protein talk:
So I’m using the approach of a my goal weight in terms of grams of protein daily. I’m shooting for 265lbs goal weight and most people will say well normal weight for my height and BMI should be 185, well that will never happen cause I don’t want to be 185, I would have to shed muscle mass. So I am focused against 265g protein daily which a gram of lean protein is 4 calories. I just started back on this getting that protein in daily and it’s a challenge but my biggest advice is getting it right out of the gate, I got 57g in by just one shake this morning! Im sitting at about 230g right now and gonna drink another 30g shake so I will damn near hit that 265g goal!
There are no magic solutions, up your protein, get your hydration and balance good fats and complex carbs with your remaining calories!!
FYI- protein keeps you fuller longer but that is also the challenge of with getting all your calories and protein in throughout the day!!