The Jeff Releford Show with the minds behind Weedy Gras!!!
Today e are having a great show with Sherece Sloan and Neenah Powell. Meet the minds behind Weedi Gras 2025!!! Let's talk about what it takes to plan an event like this and the benefits behind cannabis.
The Redirect Regroup Refocus Podcast
Today we have Tony 2x’s with us today!!! Y’all tap in and hear his story and what drives him to be the artist that he is. Tune in to another great episode of The Redirect Regroup Refocus Podcast.
The Jeff Releford Show!!!
Yall tune in today for another episode of the Jeff Releford Show. I want to highlight my week with yall and also have some great motivation to deliver for today so yall tap in as we have another great show in store for you all.
Darrah Walkers Book Signing
Darra WAlkers Book Signing!!!
Darrah Walkers Book Signing
Tune in today as we cover Miss Darrah Walker and her new Health and wellness book entitled: Queens Healing House Accountability health and wellness workbook/journal.
The Jeff Releford Show
Today we have Nino Negash on the show for today!!! He is the international program director for WCHI Biggs Radio Chicago. Yall tap in while we dive in the realm of Biggs Radio!!!
The Redirect Regroup Refocus Podcast
Stay tuned in for some great topics today. We will talk about some relationship topics as well as some good motivation for today!!!
The Jeff Releford Show
Today we will Have Naturals By Nette on the show today. She is a plant based Chef and she does hand and facial creams and the WHOLE 9!!!! Yall check her out and us out tonight.
Presence of The Lord Bible Church Worship Service
Eld. Dr. James Adams, Pastor
Redirect Regroup Refocus Podcast
Today we are here at the book signing for Miss Jennifer Williams. The name of her book i Called The Money Tree Teaching Kids Financial Literacy. Yall tap in asa we talk to her and the future that is going to be impacted by it!!!
The Redirect Regroup Refocus Podcast
With valentines day right around the corner let get another reminder of what love truly is!!!