I have never found it difficult to support a particular candidate. Does that mean my selection was always perfect? Not really!
After a considerable amount of study seasoned with honest prayer, the best we can hope for is to always remember that we are casting a vote for a person who is neither a "god" nor perfect. Strangely, the voters seek "perfection," yet they seem to gravitate to the most flawed at times.
My first vote was cast for Ronald Reagan, a decision influenced by the challenging times under Jimmy Carter's presidency. It was a time of economic turmoil and international crisis, which shaped my understanding of the importance of leadership.
The saying goes, 'The more things change, the more they stay the same.' It's a sobering reminder that history often repeats itself, and we must strive to learn from it.
That is the case for some people, maybe even most people. Still, I remember those difficult times of less access to energy, the gas lines, and the economy floating in the toilet, unemployment as a rule rather than the exception, with the ruling party accepting that the people should learn to do with a lower standard of living. At the same time, they vacillate as "Iran" held our people hostage for over 300 days!
Fast-forward to today, and we see that if not the same scenario, we have many common types, similar and, in several cases, worse!
I have never been a single-issue voter, and I have never been the type of person to put aside my "faith" that would cause me to vote for a candidate who supported things in violation of that belief.
The "mantra" of crossing the aisle, or compromise, is too often touted as reasonable. While I have compromised on some things, very few I am pleased to announce, there has to be a line that it is never acceptable to cross. It is based on faith, principles, and character, which are often laughed at today; no wonder we are in the mess we find ourselves in.
We are not innocent spectators in this process. Even the Bible says that if we support a person who promotes or participates in behavior contrary to "God's" will, we will be judged as harshly as the person taking action to commit that sin.
So, from that standpoint, we as citizens have a duty to vote and do so wisely, and for the "Body of Christ," we, being in the world, but not of the world, have a command to uphold, promote, and support what "God" supports while we are still here. After all, you can look at it either way. If you take no action, "God" can take it as an affront unless you take the actions that He supports, for which He also considers that.
When we study the issues and the candidates, we must put aside emotion. Though it might be considered, and I want to direct this to "Christians," we must put emotion aside. We must put all consideration for "culture" on the shelf, which can be the same in many cases as "public opinion." "God" has never taken a poll!
I go back to the "Word of God" as the glasses I look through in relationship to this examination. It is equally important to realize that the word of God is instructions designed to protect the individual and society.
A lot of people get screwed up because they see those rules as being a means of "enslaving" or preventing freedom! Nothing frees a person or society more than rules or guidelines. They are the protections for it! It is called order, and when order is removed, you get chaos.
After all, how much freedom do you want? How much can you stand, and where does "doing your own thing" become an infringement of the liberty of others? Nobody can do anything they want; that lesson was once taught to toddlers in their growth.
It gets pretty scary when you understand what happens when society's freedom is nothing but chaos without boundaries. I would suggest that one of the candidates has been nothing more than that by their actions and belief system, without considering the consequences for those things!
Some people would burn the entire nation to the ground with misguided, ill-advised policy because they can deceive the electorate just to rule over the remaining ashes from the fire they set!
As a high school friend of mine was fond of saying, "King s**t in a pile of turds."
I consider "America" my home. Using that example, home is where you live; in most cases, other people live inside your home. I am concerned with the well-being of not just the outside of the house but also the people and things inside my house.
I don't leave the door unlocked to allow just anyone to come in, not to eat my food or sleep in my home without permission. I don't want them coming in to foul up the peace.
However, I do let people visit, and some stay over. In particular situations, some people make former visitors into the family.
You can't come in without permission; you can't r**e, rob, or steal in my home. You can't come in and start selling drugs!
People in my home will never disrespect life, liberty, or freedom and will respect my house rules.
Whether you are a Christian or not, I think more people feel the same about their home as I do.
If you can't feed, clothe, or afford transportation for the people in your home, others are preventing you from having a job because the government has allowed people into your home who are taking advantage of you. After all, if you pay taxes to your government to provide for your freedom to have a job without having others who have no right to be here, then I think your selection should be clear.
This is just my opinion. Please vote wisely and pray before you do. Be blessed; someone is keeping score, and He cares!