I wasn't going to do a New Years Resolution this year. Still have the same ones from 5 years ago.😅. But as I was going through my emails, I realized that I have way too many emails from newsletters or individuals. So yep - cleaning out who all I am subscribed to is now my New Years Resolution.
Which then begs the question of how do you decide which ones to keep? And as a marketer, it's kind of like market research. What makes a digital newsletter worth keeping?
1. Did I only subscribe to get a free download and then forget to cancel? Free downloads are a great way to add to an email list for newsletters but the future open rate may not be all that high.
2. Am I getting what I expected out of the newsletter? If I genuinely subscribed, I had certain expectations of value and if most are only about your programs and offers - I'm out.
3. Does the newsletter offer the value I expected? Am I getting current updates around the subject as I expected.
4. Is the newsletter written in personal, engaging way that makes me want to visit links or finish reading it? Or, if is essentially a list of updates, are they clearly listed in easy to read format.
5. Do the links stay active? I subscribed to one newsletter, and I starred it to look at later. Two weeks later the links included were no longer valid. Which made me question the validity of the source.
6. Is the information included current and not something I will casually see on social media. Does it demonstrate genuine experience? I don't need easily accessible information. I want information that is more in depth and not commonly seen which primarily comes from real world experience.
7. Is the overall composition clear, easy to get the highlights of what the topics are and attractive? Obviously not keeping a newsletter if it is put together well but not engaging or informative but also not keeping one that is cluttered and doesn't have a flow to it.
These are my criteria. What about you? What makes you want to keep an email subscription for a newsletter?