It's summertime...engagement is going to be low(er). It's all good! Keep posting, recycle content and get out and enjoy life while you can! 🌞
Don't you just hate that nagging voice in your head!
Should I post this? Is my design OK? Did I look bad on my video? Omg...I said too many filler words...I misspelled a word...
The list of self criticism goes on and on.
Efff that! Distract yourself, learn more, do more, mess up more and you will get better - but never perfect. It's all good! Still show up, still do you and if others stress over it - let them waste their energy while you just focus on doing you!
#impostersyndrome #keepyourword #socialmediapresence
#postitoutloud #socialmediastruggle
Every solopreneur knows there are clients..and there are CLIENTS! There's people you are doing a job for and there are those special people who really light a fire and you would be excited to work for. And when you are really excited, it's as if you already have the job and your creativity is flowing and your brain is filled with ALL the ideas..
Waiting is soo hard! And I won't even give myself bad MOJO by questioning getting the job. Lol.
#postitoutloud #sharethepassion #creators #solopreneur #solopreneurlife
Who else caught the @canva Create announcement today? ❤️❤️ and 🔥🔥🔥 for what they are bringing for creatives and marketers!!! And they didn't forget about sales, HR, enterprises and non- profits either. Comment below what you are most hyped about!
#instagramcreatives #canvapro #affinity
What are some expected changes for 2024 when it comes to social media?
1) LinkedIn is going to be more integral to growth.
2) Companies are going to be looking at choosing THE platform that is best for their growth, hiring specialists in that platform rather than spreading time and effort across several.
3) Collabs and UGC remain important
4) Tagwords are still your social SEO
5) Video is still important ( no surprise there)
and it's safe to say, something will shift midyear because it always does. Lol.
How is your business going to shift in their social media marketing?
#alyssa_engagingmedia #alyssa.postitoutloud #socialmediatips #marketing2024 #contentmanagement
😆😆😆 2023 was a challenging year for me but learned a lot. So maybe a little heat will keep me pushing towards what I want. One great thing about creating content and social media...there's always more to learn!
How about you? Ready to take what you learned and build on it? #newyears2024 #lessonslearned
Sample Strategy for Coaches
Life coaches, mindset coaches, health coaches, holistic coaches, business coaches.... There are so many different coaches out there right now. Recently I was hired to provide a strategy for a Business and Holistic life coach. They had all the right information and expertise displayed out there but weren't gaining followers or subscribers for their program.
These are the tips that I gave them. I think it's important to point out, that even failing on one or two of these steps can completely derail the strategy. This was designed specifically to gain audience connection and engagement.
#socialmediastrategytips #coachingtips #connectionmatters
Sample Strategy for Coaches
Life coaches, mindset coaches, health coaches, holistic coaches, business coaches.... There are so many different coaches out there right now. Recently I was hired to provide a strategy for a Business and Holistic life coach. They had all the right information and expertise displayed out there but weren't gaining followers or subscribers for their program.
These are the tips that I gave them. I think it's important to point out, that even failing on one or two of these steps can completely derail the strategy. This was designed specifically to gain audience connection and engagement.
#socialmediastrategytips #coachingtips #connectionmatters
Sample Strategy for Coaches
Life coaches, mindset coaches, health coaches, holistic coaches, business coaches.... There are so many different coaches out there right now. Recently I was hired to provide a strategy for a Business and Holistic life coach. They had all the right information and expertise displayed out there but weren't gaining followers or subscribers for their program.
These are the tips that I gave them. I think it's important to point out, that even failing on one or two of these steps can completely derail the strategy. This was designed specifically to gain audience connection and engagement.
#socialmediastrategytips #coachingtips #connectionmatters
I don't what it is. Many creators struggle with coming up with their own content but are great with their client's material.
Often it is blamed on Imposter syndrome...and maybe. Not for me to say.
But I do try to stop and look at the differences between my client's and myself. And ironically, what I have come up with, other than just creative burn out, is that we are clear about our client's voice, messaging, colors, style, etc. because we can stay objective.
But like many things in life, we either may not be so clear on our own branding essentials or are too invested or too close to our business that we can't see it objectively.
Are you a content creator or SMM? What are your thoughts on this? Comment below.