Today we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the debut of the little station that got big really fast: BIG 101.5. Our good friend & BIG architect Steve Gamlin provides background and make comments on the decent collection of pictures we will be posting on the peeps and events that led BIG 101.5 to become the runner up for Station of the year at the then NHAB Golden Mic awards. If you were there please share your stories. Thx
Ricky: Steve The Steve Stevester. Greetings. Today is the 30th anniversary (Feb 28, 1994) of the debut of Big 101.5. I was wondering if you would share a few words to go with as many pictures as I can load of those wild & wacky times. Highlight winning station of the year at NHAB? Key characters. The floor is yours.
Steve: Happy to share. We were 'the little station that could...and did."
Would you like me to reach out to Evil Jack Beaton? He's the one who got behind us to take it off satellite and go LIVE for part of the day...without telling the owner of the station (because he believed in us THAT much)
Rick: I just remember the magic of winning at the Granite Mics. Days of wine and roses..
Steve: We actually got 2nd place, in our first full year of being live...truly was an amazing honor!
Also, Ron Drew and I collaborated as Music Directors for the station. First thing we agreed upon: We did NOT play 'Stairway to Heaven' during the first year of the station's existence!
Some of the other names of those involved with BIG 101.5 in our heyday: Evil Jack Beaton Ron Drew Brian Bernard Trey McKain AnnMarie Biello
And also days of Guns 'n Roses, Thursday night Blues Jam at Zack's Lakeside and getting to meet so many amazing fans!
Rick I also remember the 2 Skyshows at Opechee. Did Ron create the Skyshow soundtrack that was cued to the fireworks?
Steve: Yes he did, for Atlas PyroVision!
Steve: And a big THANK YOU to Gary the Engineer who got everything bolted down just hours before Brian and I went live for the very first morning show!
Rick: When you have a moment please make comments on the pictures we’ve included in the post. Thanks Steve.