THP Episode #1
THP Show Episode #1
Episode #1 What's the show, and how it got created. With Host's Will "I AM” and The Vintage Vet
Highway Pickers loves upcycling and using many different materials! Here is a cool chest coffee table made of Long-Leaf Pine Barnwood!
#thehighwaypickingshow #fleamarketfinds #farmhouse #shabbychic #vintagefurniture #rusticfurniture
✨✨May the 4th be with you!
The Kyle Flea Market is hosting a “Cinco de May-The 4th be with you” holiday that’s free for the community and encourages COSPLAY. Come out and find all kinds of cool deals, there will be Face Painting, a Kids Craft Table, and a Photo Booth with Darth Vader himself 😮
#thehighwaypickingshow #fleamarketfinds #maythe4thbewithyou #cincodemayo #cosplay #FreeFun #starwars #kylefleamarket
🤩🤩This shop inside the Kyle Flea Market has hard to find collectibles hidden all over and huge selection of clothing. “Big E” for sure offers “Reasonable prices, for Reasonable people” go let him know you heard about from The Highway Picking show.
#kyletx #fleamarketfinds #localbusiness #funkopop #vintagetoys #TheHighwayPickingShow
The Highway Pickers love finding Vinyl Record Shops at the Markets. This Gem is at the Kyle Flea Market! Great Music!
#fleamarketfinds #vinylcommunity #fleamarket #recordcollector
The Highway Pickers walking the Kyle Flea-Market this past weekend, what a beautiful day!
#fleamarketfinds #fleamarket #kyletx #austintx
Did you know that inside of the Kyle Flea Market there is all kinds of awesome and unique vendors like “Central Texas Comic & Game Haven”
#fleamarket #comicbookstore #comicbookshop #smallbusinessbigdreams #veteranowned
The Highway Pickers love finding cool items at the market! Check out these masks. Please let me know what your thoughts are. Would you hang them on your wall?
#tribalmask #indonesiabali #fleamarketfinds #fleamarket #tribalart #tribalmaskcollector
The Highway Pickers enjoy discovering ancient Tribal masks at the Markets! While rummaging through stalls and stands, we stumbled upon approximately 10 masks originating from Indonesia! The Demon Queen!
#tribalmask #indonesiabali #fleamarketfinds #fleamarket #tribalart #tribalmaskcollector
The Highway Pickers Will "I AM”" and The Vintage Vet are picking tables at the Kyle Flea-Market. Check out this quick video of a few of the vendor tables. Exciting discoveries ahead! The sun was shining on this lovely day, perfect for some exercise and mingling.
#fleamarket #pickers #local #thrifting #vintage #vinyl #garagesale #austin #kyletx #hayscounty #shopping #exploring #love #vibes
This is definitely a trippy mask! Would you hang it up in your home?
#fleamarket #pickers #thrifting #kyletx