Tell me I am not the only one… 🙋♀️
As soon as you start cleaning up they start making messes… it’s the circle of life right?
Being a fun and organized mom is tough but it’s not all on you or at least it shouldn’t be! Teaching your kiddos cleaning routines at home will help them and you. And just maybe there will be less destroying and more helping 🙃
*Follow me for organization tips for moms & kids among the daily chaos🤪
What is the daily chore you dread the most as a SAHM? Tell me below in the comments!
#getthekidsinvolved #cleaningactivities #cleaningwithkids #stayingorganized
I have been working each morning for one hour of “school” with my girls. They have really been enjoying it so far.. it’s only been a week so let’s hope it lasts 🤞
They work a few pages in their individual workbooks (kindergarten & preschool) and then we do flash cards. After they finish their work they get to pick a smiley face sticker to put on their shirt. They love it!
How do you help your kids develop a love of learning all year round?
Tell me in the comments! :)
#learningtime #kidsflashcards #preschoolworkbook #kindergardenworkbook #lovelearning #summertime #productivity
Motivational Monday quote for y’all.
No one needs us as much as our children. We have so much power as mamas and we are more than enough for our kids.
What is your favorite thing about being a mom??
Mine is all the sweet kid snuggles 🥰
Tell me yours below in the comments!
#mamas #sahm #workingmoms #momswhogive #youareenough #mamacuddles
Most kids are not going to jump up and down in excitement to clean BUT that doesn’t mean they can’t learn to enjoy it.
Try following some of these tips next time you ask your child to clean up. Cleaning up is a learning opportunity and should be fun. Never make it a punishment or kids will always see it that way. Hope this is helpful to you mamas out there!
Let me know if anything inspired you to change! I would love to read in the comments!
#funwithcleaning #cleaninggameswithkids #betheexamplefirst #teachindependence #learntolovecleaning
Most kids are not going to jump up and down in excitement to clean BUT that doesn’t mean they can’t learn to enjoy it.
Try following some of these tips next time you ask your child to clean up. Cleaning up is a learning opportunity and should be fun. Never make it a punishment or kids will always see it that way. Hope this is helpful to you mamas out there!
Let me know if anything inspired you to change! I would love to read in the comments!
#funwithcleaning #cleaninggameswithkids #betheexamplefirst #teachindependence #learntolovecleaning
In 2010 a cleaning company named Microban claimed to find higher concentrations of bacteria such as E. coli and Staph aureus on restaurant high chairs compared to toilets.
In this claim they cite that an average of 147 CFU (colony forming units) were isolated from swab samples compared to an average of 8 CFUs found from toilet swab samples.
When not regularly deep cleaned high chairs can be a place that can get really gross really fast. Tips for cleaning high chairs is to:
1. Take apart all the separate parts (as much as you can) of the high chair and clean it with soap and water
2. Get a wet paper towel or rag and wipe all the food off (especially any dried food) and then wipe down with a sanitation wipe or spray and wipe with paper towel.
#cleanhighchairs #germsareverywhere #liveclean #cleanfacts #messyeaters
I am a BIG fan of labels which you have probably noticed from my videos already. Easy to read labels are so good for kids to learn recognizing words. Plus they look nice. Labeling items in your home helps your kids know where things are, what things are and where to put them. #labelingitems #amazonfinds #kidsbathroom
When I have SO many things to do and feel I can’t do it all in one day… I don’t. I write out a to do list and slowly work on checking off the things I have done over a few days. This helps me clearly see what I need to do and then plan a time to do it. My favorite thing is looking back at my list and seeing all I have accomplished.
I have noticed that my kids enjoy doing this too. They like to know what they need to get done and check it off on their list. ✅
Do your kids do well with a check list? Yes or no? Tell me below in the comments!
#todolist #onedayatime #kidschecklist
It’s not about being perfect and it’s not about being the best. It’s about wanting to improve and be better each day by making small changes for you and your family that will help them learn and grow.
Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. No one can be you. You have so much to offer and so much to give as a mother to your little ones. Don’t forget that ❤️
What are some things you do on the days when you struggle as a mom/provider? Share them below in the comments. Sharing your story and experiences can help someone else get through their hard days and realize they are not alone.
#youarenotalone #strugglesarereal #beingamomishard #bittersweetmoments #selfconfidence #youcandohardthings
It’s not about being perfect and it’s not about being the best. It’s about wanting to improve and be better each day by making small changes for you and your family that will help them learn and grow.
Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. No one can be you. You have so much to offer and so much to give as a mother to your little ones. Don’t forget that ❤️
What are some things you do on the days when you struggle as a mom/provider? Share them below in the comments. Sharing your story and experiences can help someone else get through their hard days and realize they are not alone.
#youarenotalone #strugglesarereal #beingamomishard #bittersweetmoments #selfconfidence #youcandohardthings
Research shows that there are many benefits that come from your child doing daily chores and simple clean up.
Benefits Include:
💙Self Confidence
💙Learn Responsibility
💙Develop Independence
💙Builds Fine Motor Skills
Follow to learn more with me 😊
#selfconfidence #finemotorskills #learningtoclean #independentchildren #littlejobsforlittlekids #dailykidchores
I have had times when I am good and bad at this (no one is perfect right?) but I have noticed that when my kids have little messes to clean up they have a lot easier time whereas when there are a ton of different toys out they get overwhelmed and throw fits about clean up time.
Here’s another little secret for you:
Kids play better in clean environments. It’s true! When kids have only a few toys out at a time and they have a clean room to play in they will play longer. When they already have a messy space…it’s harder to find the toys they want and they don’t have the space they need to play… so they go to the front room, living room or thier parents room instead.
Have you noticed this? Let me know in the comments your thoughts. 😁
#kidshelping #cleanuptime #littlemesses #cleanplacestoplay #playtime