The Core Spaces team isn’t slowing down in the already hot Knoxville Real Estate market. Core Knoxville 18th LLC just purchased most of another block on the Cumberland “Strip” between 18th and 19th street for $19.5 million dollars. This includes the beloved Copper Cellar Cumberland. The transfers were announced this week by Nick McBride, Knox County Register of Deeds. To date, Core Spaces has invested more than $45 Million in land acquisition along this northern border of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Demolition has already begun for their $530 million dollar Core Knoxville Project just up the street. With record setting incoming class sizes, the university is in a desperate housing crunch and the private sector, including both out-of-state institutional and local multi-family developers like Dominion Group, is stepping in to solve this issue. Don’t be surprised to hear of more of land sales and a number of new student housing projects announced this year both adjacent to campus and across the river along the South Knoxville waterfront.