The birds and bees know it. Why doesn't the federal government
I decided I needed to see where it all took place in 2001, so I took a walk. This is what I found.
There were 18,000 people in the park and along Main Street...Regional and local media arrived on May 7th, 2001 to cover the story. Groups from throughout the Northwest came to Klamath Falls, Oregon to be part of the Bucket Brigade. The concept was simple. 50 buckets of water would be drawn from Lake Ewauna and handed person to person some 16 blocks and then deposited into the Bureau of Reclamation’s “A” canal on the other side of town. This symbolic community act was an illegal diversion of “federal” mandated water. After the water was dumped into the “A” canal, a crowd packed a nearby high school’s grandstands and listened to another set of speakers including Oregon Congressmen Greg Walden. Source
"I am seriously afraid that if our United States Congress and Federal Court system do not wake up and stop this madness, this Nation is about to experience an era that has the potential to severely damage or completely destroy our Nation's economy." quote from Klamath Falls Police Officer Jack Redfield as published in The Stand At Klamath Falls by Jeff Head. Redfield continues, "God Help Us if our Federal Government doesn't come to its senses and recognize the extreme danger of this fiasco before it is too late."
Hey Klamath County, I just got a really nice offer from a local who has old footage who offered to share it with me. If you or someone you know has some old video footage of the local area, please email or text me and I'd be happy to use it in the film. I can't say if I'll use all of it but I'll give those a nice thank you credit in the film credits. Thanks!!