SOUNDMAN from HELL *Professional Sound & Recording Engineer for over 50 years
*Shock Radio Host in Key West just 10 years later. Gary W. A lot of Changes since then.

Gary Whitney Ek
(a/k/a Reverend GWEKO, or the Soundman from Hell)
He had been the audio engineer at the the Unity of the Keys Spiritual Center since 2010. A Former member of Unity, this is certainly not his first encounter with new world spirituality. He became a ordained minister himself in 1975, and went on to archive and record, as well as video tape national conferences for the Spiritual Front

ier Fellowships, The Lakota Indian Tribes, and the Libertarian Party in Washington DC. Which lead him to a Motion Picture Career, with one of his last movie projects be "Celestine Prophecies (the movie)"
by James Redfield. Ek is a Videographer, Accredited Video Editor, and certified Audio Engineer, as well as a Radio Show Producer and DJ....

The Reverend Gweko of Key West, has been known as The Soundman from Hell everywhere from Virginia, Saint Augustine, Miami and all the way down to Key West...

The Soundman From Hell has been formerly on both local AM and FM Stations in Key West, as well as the producer of the Southernmost Radio Network, and Key West Show internet Pirate Radio blog had a 5 year run to over 500,000 listeners world wide. He Joined the Crew As an Engineer at The X 104.9 for Fantasy Fest 2011 while the station was on Duval Street at Cowboy Bill's Bar. He has developed a Studio-less Transmission of beaming the station via Skype directly to the Radio Tower in Key West where it is heard at 104.9 on the FM dial with a 1,000 watt Transmitter, and streaming to over 1.5 million Listeners on the internet. Join us for the Key West Show Rocks at Night Starting at 8 pm, from Wednesday through Sunday
Featuring Current Topics , Comedy, Political Viewpoint, Controversial Community Topics, Great Music and Local Artists... "It's like a cross between Howard Stern and Dr. Demento's Radio Show!"

Saturday and Sundays at 8pm On 104.9 FM Barefoot Radio
or Streaming to everywhere in the the Free World at

Hide the Kiddies, We Are NOT for the Faint of Heart - or the Easily Offended !

Don't Forget!!!VALENTINES DAY Special, For "LOVERS & LonerS"Alike!www.KeyWest.FMTune In, Turn it Up(ALL DAMN DAY)2/145pm...

Don't Forget!!!
Tune In, Turn it Up
5pm (3:20 hr show)
and again at Midnight!
(for Bobbie & Reverend Gweko's 12th Anniversary)
Ekclusively with the Soundman From Hell's KeyWest.FM

Don't Forget!!!
Ekclusively with the Soundman From Hell's KeyWest.FM
Tune In, Turn it Up
5pm (3hr show)
and again at Midnight!
(for Bobbie & Reverend Gweko's 12th Anniversary)

VALENTINES DAY Special For "LOVERS & LonerS" Alike!Ekclusively with the Soundman From Hell's KeyWest.FM www.KeyWest.FM T...


Ekclusively with the Soundman From Hell's KeyWest.FM
Tune In, Turn it Up
and again at Midnight!
(for Bobbie & Reverend Gweko's 12th Anniversary)

SOUNDMAN from HELLMy Anniversary?

My Anniversary?

Are You Ready? I am...
My 1st Show on the New www.KeyWest.FM
Key West Show Starts at 8pm
Tune -In, Turn it Up, and Scare your Neighbors!

...Phlock that guy!

...Phlock that

Oh my.

Oh my.

Porta Potty Blues Lyrics Only Video. Bobby BlackHat - vocals, Brian Eubanks - bass, background vocals, Lucy Kilpatrick - keys, background vocals, Mike Behlm...

Lived here, played here, died here, get heard in the Keys!If you meet all the Local Qualifications, and your name didn't...

Lived here, played here, died here, get heard in the Keys!
If you meet all the Local Qualifications, and your name didn't make the lists.
Just Send your music by MP3 or MP4a formats to:
[email protected]

Playlist for KeyWest.FM - February 2025

Over 2,200 songs by almost 300 Local artists:
Aaron Fowler, Adrienne Zolondick, Agrolites, Alfonse, ALLIENS, Alain Alioune Agbo, Andy Westcott Band, Angus Bangus, Barry Cuda, Beth Travers, Ben Harrison, Berserk Bastards, Bertie Higgins, Big Daddy Rich, Bill Wharton (the Sauce Boss), B-Man & mi-Shell, Bill Blue, Bo Fodor, Bob Malone, Bob Sheliie, Bob Tucker, Bobby Enloe, Bobby De Vito, BOXELDER, Bradd Shadduck , Brian Jantzi , Brian Roberts, Bryton Stoll, The Bubba System Band, Bubba Lownotes, Caffeine Carl, Carl Peachy, Captain Mike, Captain Quint, Caribe of Key West, Cindy Walsh, Charlie Miller, Chief Billy, Chris Rehm, Chris Case, Chris Thomas, Claire Finley, Cliff Cody, Clint Bullard, Coconut Koalas, Coffee Butler, Conch Republic (the band), Collette Campbell,
Cra Z. Tomes, CW C**t, Dave delMonte, Daria and the Hip Drops, Dan Harvey, Dan Mobley, Dan Simpson, Dani Hoy, Dave Hoffman, David Warren, David Wegman, David Allen Coe, Dawn Wilder, Delaney Smith, Donavan Frankenrieter, Don Middlebrook, Dora Gholson, Derek Dunbar, Din Allen, Dylan Thomas, Durtbags, Eimear Grace, Entrain, Emily Springstein, Erica Sunshine Lee, Eric Paul Levy, Ericson Holt, Farewell to Cowboys, Freebo, Detentions, Gabriel Wright, Gary Hempsey, Gerd Rube, Gina Maseratti, Graham Andrews, Greg Gerace, Gregg Shanle, Hal Howland, Happy Dog, Hiram Garazaro, Hugo Durate, Honey Island Swamp Band, Howard Livingston, Ian Barber, Irish Kevin, Island Alex Okinczyc, Jack Wolf, Jason Lamson, Jay Bangles, Jay Klein, James Whitehead, James T. Slater, W***y Jean Paul, Jeep Caillouet, "Jefff" Jeff Clark, Jeff Harris, Jeff Randall, Jerome Miller, Jessica Wachs, Jerrod Isaman, Jersey Slim, Jimmy Buffett, JJ Grey, Joe Garrett, Joe Cyr, Joel Rush, Joe Enich, Joe Pepper, John Friday, Joel Nelson, John Hyatt, John LaMere, John Bartus, Jonathan Williams, John Prine, John Frinzi, Johnny Russler, Joe & Marie-Lynn Britz, Josh Warren, Juliana Walker MacDowell, Just George, Justin Angelo, Kari Wolf, K.D. Moore, Ken Fairbrother, Kim Jade Fry, Kristen McNamara, Laura Black and Skabuddah, Larry Baeder, Larry Smith, Larry Strickland, Leigh Guest, Loren Davidson, Ken Fradley, Keith Sykes, Liz O'Connell, Mac McAnally, Matt "Guitar" Murphy, Matt Avery, Mary Spear, Marty Stonely, Marjory Lee, Marshall Morlock, Mc Guffey Lane, Mckenna Carlson , Melody Cooper, Michael Festa, Michael McCloud, Michael Naughton, Michelle Dravis, Mick Kilgos, Mitch Lynd, Monster Mitch, Myles Mancuso, Nadirah Shakoor, Nick Brownell, Nick Norman, Nick Walker, Oren P***k, Pauly Walterson, Pato Banton, Prince, Pete Jarvis, Peter Mayer, PUDDLES Pity Party, Rachel Grace, Raven M Cooper, Ray West, Ray Willie Hubbard, Ray Spence, R.B. Tolar, Red Elvises, RG Wells, Reggae Lou & The Kind Budz, Richie Ciavolino, Rick Fusco, Rick Steffen, Rich McKay, Rob Benton, Robert Earl Keen, Robin Travers, Robert Albury, Robert Douglas, Robert Hutto, Roger Bartlett, Roger Jokela, Rolando Rojas, Ross Brown, Russ Scavelli, Sam Carlsøn, Scott Kirby, Shanty Hounds, Shastina Chiles, Shinyribs, Shel Silverstein, Sherese Nichole, Snowbird Street Band, Soul Hustle, Southern Drawl Band, Snacks at FIVE, Spogga, Sunny Jim Music, The Survivors (Key West), Smokey Miles, Count Smokula , Steve Goodman, Sweet Harriet Riendeau, Tim Campbell, Trinity Curtis & Tim Marshall Curtis, Tiffani Green , Tim Hollohan, Todd Sparks, Tony Baltimore, Tony Roberts, TRICORN, Wayne Sorbelli, Walter Yarbrough, Wavy Dave Parkhurst, Will Parker, Willie Nelson, Willie and Lobo, Wheeland Brothers, Wyatt Hurts, Yankee Jack, Yvan Agbo, Zack Jones, Zach Lovering, Zack Seemiller, Zeph Allen, Xperimento...
Just To Name Just a few.

Exclusively on


Me most days, to most people. 😂


This Week - Reverend Gweko will be Featuring the Comedian Patton Oswald!

New & Fresh "RUDE on The RADIO Key West Show" Sunday Night starting at 6pm
Exclusively on www.KeyWest.FM

Key West Sit with Kit!

Key West Sit with Kit!

Folks have been asking me lately... - what kind of music do you play ?I take a deep breath and say... "The music of the ...

Folks have been asking me lately...
- what kind of music do you play ?
I take a deep breath and say... "The music of the keys, baby!" had to live here, die here, or have played here to get on our playlist.

- what kind of music is it?

"It's Trop Rock, Conch Rock, Caribbean Soul, Coastal Americana, Jahmericana, pirate shanties, rock and roll, Blues, Reggae, some jazz, and a little bit of country... "

-it's everything you would expect to hear, if you were here, in the Florida Keys....
And it's Free
Commercial Free &
Listener Supported
The SOUNDMAN from HELL 's www.KeyWest.FM

Playlist for KeyWest.FM - February 2024
Aaron Fowler, Adrienne Z, Agrolites, Alfonse, ALLIENS, Alain Alioune Agbo, Andy Westcott, Angus Bangus, Barry Cuda, Beth Travers, Ben Harrison, Berserk Bastards, Bertie Higgins, Big Daddy Rich, Bill Wharton (the Sauce Boss), B-Man & mi-Shell, Bill Blue, Bo Fodor, Bob Malone, Bob Sheliie, Bob Tucker, Bobby Enloe, Bobby De Vito, BOXELDER, Bradd Shadduck , Brian Jantzi , Brian Roberts, Bryton Stoll, The Bubba System Band, Bubba Lownotes, Caffeine Carl, Carl Peachy, Captain Mike, Captain Quint, Caribe of Key West, Cindy Walsh, Charlie Miller, Chief Billy, Chris Rehm, Chris Case, Chris Thomas, Claire Finley, Cliff Cody, Clint Bullard, Coconut Koalas, Coffee Butler, Conch Republic (the band), Cra Z. Tomes, CW C**t, Dave delMonte, Daria and the Hip Drops, Dan Harvey, Dan Mobley, Dan Simpson, Dani Hoy, Dave Hoffman, David Warren, David Wegman, David Allen Coe, Dawn Wilder, Delaney Smith, Donavan Frankenrieter, Don Middlebrook, Dora Gholson, Derek Dunbar, Din Allen, Dylan Thomas, Durtbags, Eimear Grace, Entrain, Emily Springstein, Erica Sunshine Lee, Eric Paul Levy, Ericson Holt, Farewell to Cowboys, Freebo, Detentions, Gabriel Wright, Gary Hempsey, Gerd Rube, Gina Maseratti, Graham Andrews, Greg Gerace, Gregg Shanle, Hal Howland, Happy Dog, Hiram Garazaro, Hugo Durate, Honey Island Swamp Band, Howard Livingston, Ian Barber, Irish Kevin, Island Alex Okinczyc, Jack Wolf, Jason Lamson, Jay Bangles, Jay Klein, James Whitehead, James T. Slater, W***y Jean Paul, Jeep Caillouet, "Jefff" Jeff Clark, Jeff Harris, Jeff Randall, Jerome Miller, Jessica Wachs, Jerrod Isaman, Jersey Slim, Jimmy Buffett, JJ Grey, Joe Cyr, Joel Rush, Joe Enich, Joe Pepper, John Friday, Joel Nelson, John Hyatt, John LaMere, John Bartus, Jonathan Williams, John Prine, John Frinzi, Johnny Russler, Joe & Marie-Lynn Britz, Josh Warren, Juliana Walker MacDowell, Just George, Justin Angelo, Kari Wolf, K.D. Moore, Ken Fairbrother, Kim Jade Fry, Kristen McNamara, Laura Black and Skabuddah, Larry Baeder, Larry Smith, Larry Strickland, Leigh Guest, Loren Davidson, Ken Fradley, Keith Sykes, Liz O'Connell, Mac McAnally, Matt "Guitar" Murphy, Matt Avery, Mary Spear, Marty Stonely, Marjory Lee, Marshall Morlock, Mc Guffey Lane, Mckenna Carlson , Melody Cooper, Michael Festa, Michael McCloud, Michael Naughton, Michelle Dravis, Mick Kilgos, Mitch Lynd, Monster Mitch, Myles Mancuso, Nadirah Shakoor, Nick Brownell, Nick Norman, Nick Walker, Oren P***k, Pauly Walterson, Pato Banton, Prince, Pete Jarvis, Peter Mayer, PUDDLES Pity Party, Rachel Grace, Raven M Cooper, Ray West, Ray Willie Hubbard, Ray Spence, R.B. Tolar, Red Elvises, RG Wells, Reggae Lou & The Kind Budz, Richie Ciavolino, Rick Fusco, Rick Steffen, Rich McKay, Rob Benton, Robert Earl Keen, Robin Travers, Robert Albury, Robert Douglas, Robert Hutto, Roger Bartlett, Roger Jokela, Rolando Rojas, Ross Brown, Russ Scavelli, Sam Carlsøn, Scott Kirby, Shanty Hounds, Shastina Chiles, Shinyribs, Shel Silverstein, Sherese Nichole, Snowbird Street Band, Southern Drawl Band, Snacks at FIVE, Spogga, Sunny Jim Music, The Survivors (Key West), Smokey Miles, Count Smokula , Steve Goodman, Sweet Harriet Riendeau, Tim Campbell, Trinity Curtis & Tim Marshall Curtis, Tiffani Green , Tim Hollohan, Todd Sparks, Tony Baltimore, Tony Roberts, TRICORN, Wayne Sorbelli, Walter Yarbrough, Wavy Dave Parkhurst, Will Parker, Willie Nelson, Willie and Lobo, Wheeland Brothers, Wyatt Hurts, Yankee Jack, Yvan Agbo, Zack Jones, Zach Lovering, Zack Seemiller, Zeph Allen, Xperimento...
If you meet all the Local Qualifications, and your name didn't make the lists.
Just Send your music by MP3 or MP4 formats to:
[email protected]

Bobbie and I together ❤️  for 12 years this Valentine's day!

Bobbie and I together ❤️ for 12 years this Valentine's day!



513 Fleming Street
Key West, FL


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