Prescribed Duties. The officers shall perform the duties prescribed by the Constitution
and Bylaws of this Camp, by order of the Grand Camp, and by the parliamentary authority
adopted by this Camp. (Article IV, Section 1)
Camp President’s Responsibilities. The President of the Camp shall:
a. Provide leadership to the Camp in promoting the mission of the Alaska Native
Brotherhood and the Alaska Native Sisterhood;
b. Preside over Camp meetings or provide for another officer to preside;
c. Advise, assist and encourage officers in the performance of their responsibilities.
d. Appoint an Audit Committee at the first meeting after Labor Day and charge that
committee with auditing the Camp's financial records immediately after the completion of
the fiscal year;
e. Serve as Chair over the Executive Committee of the camp which consists of the elected
Camp Officers.
Vacancies. If a vacancy should occur in a Local Camp office, the Camp President or
highest ranking remaining officer shall nominate and the remaining officers, serving as the Camp
Council, shall, by majority vote, elect a replacement to fill the remaining term of office. (Article
IV, Section 4)
Call Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the President or by the Camp
Council. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. Except in cases of emergency, at
least three days notice shall be given. (Article V, Section 4)
At the Camp’s annual meeting, the President shall appoint three Camp members to the
Planning Committee. (Article VIII, Section 1)
At the Camp’s annual meeting, the President shall appoint two Camp members to serve on
the Finance Committee with the Camp Treasurer. (Article VIII, Section 2)
At the Camp’s annual meeting, the President shall appoint three Camp members to an
Audit Committee. (Article VIII, Section 3)
The President shall appoint such other committees, standing or special, as the Camp or the
Camp Council deem necessary to carry out the work of the Camp. (Article VIII, Section 4)
The President shall be ex-officio a member of all committees except committees that may
involve a conflict of interest. (Article VIII, Section 5)
LC 4.0 Camp Vice President's Responsibilities. The Vice President of the Camp shall:
a. Preside over Camp meetings in the absence of, or at the direction of, the President;
b. Strive to increase the membership of the Camp and keep the membership roster current;
c. Communicate with and keep members informed of the Camp's activities.
LC 5.0 Camp Secretary's Responsibilities. The Secretary of the Camp shall:
a. Record and maintain a permanent set of minutes of all regular and special meetings and
of the annual meeting of the Camp;
b. Advertise, at least three weeks in advance, the date, time and place of the Camp Annual
Meeting and election of officers;
c. Provide such assistance as the Camp has established for informing members of meetings
and encouraging attendance (such as post card announcements of meetings, newspaper
notification, radio announcements).
Secretary’s Incidental Responsibilities The Secretary shall:
a) Maintain all the Camp’s records except financial records;
b) Maintain a supply of forms, formats, and instructions for all operations and activities of the
c) Assist the President in preparation of meeting agendas;
d) Bring to each meeting the tentative agenda; the minutes of previous meetings; a list of
current voting members; the Constitution and Bylaws of the ANB Grand Camp and the
Local Camp and other rules of the Camp; the current issue of Robert’s Rules of Order; and
a list of all standing and special committees and their members;
e) In the absence of the president and vice-president, to call the meeting to order and preside
until the immediate election of a chairman pro tem.
f) Keep the Camp President apprised of matters needing attention;
g) Circulate in a timely, appropriate manner the time and place of forthcoming meetings;
h) At every activity at which there is a call for new membership, immediately provide each
applicant with an application form, promptly collect the applications, Coordinate with the
Camp Treasurer for acceptance of dues, and record the names of the new members in the
Camp’s Membership Roll;
i) Report to the Secretary of the Grand Camp, promptly after an election, the results of the
election and addresses and other contact information for newly elected officers;
j) Obtain authorization from the membership for the purchase of items needed for the work of
the Secretary;
k) Work cooperatively as a team with other officers of the Camp;
l) As the Secretary’s term ends, orient the incoming Secretary to all procedures and relevant
factual information relating to the duties and responsibilities of Camp Secretary, assist in
ensuring an orderly transition, and advise the new Secretary as appropriate
LC 6.0 Treasurer
LC 6.01 Treasurer’s Responsibilities Incidental to Fulfilling Duties.
The Camp Treasurer shall:
a) Maintain all the Camp’s financial records;
b) Serve as a signer of checks;
c) If there are other authorized signers of checks, maintain a clear record of who is signing
each check issued;
d) Submit all bills to the membership as soon as possible for approval for payment, except
bills for which automatic payment is provided for, and upon authorization to do so, to pay
such bills promptly;
e) Obtain and file receipts for all transactions in which payments are made from the Camp
f) Keep the Camp President apprised of the Camp’s financial status;
g) Inform members, with reasonable notice, of the need to pay dues before the end of the
fiscal year;
h) Collect dues from members; inform members when they are in arrears; provide tactful
reminders as needed to promote the maximum collection of dues;
i) Provide the Camp officers with a list of paid-up members, with reasonable updating from
time to time;
j) Maintain sufficient blank receipts on file for anticipated needs, and issue the original copy
of duplicate receipts to each payee;
k) Maintain sufficient blank membership cards on file for expected needs (cards may be
obtained from the Treasurer of the Grand Camp);
l) Maintain an inventory of ANB caps, lapel pins, constitutions, and other documents or
paraphernalia available from the Grand Camp and selling them;
m) Obtain authorization from the membership for the purchase of items needed for the work of
the Treasurer;
n) Work cooperatively as a team with other officers of the Camp;
o) As the Treasurer’s term ends, orient the incoming Treasurer to all procedures and relevant
information relating to the duties and responsibilities of Camp Treasurer, assist in
ensuring an orderly transition, and advise the new Treasurer as appropriate.
LC 7.0 Sergeant at Arms
a. Be responsible for maintaining order in meetings of the Camp;
b. Inform members of forthcoming meetings;
c. Help to set up and take down meeting and event supplies, tables, chairs, and other such
d. Assist the officers and speakers at camp meetings
e. Assist the Grand Camp Sergeant at Arms
f. Assume other responsibilities as may be assigned by the Camp President.