"Let's Stay Together" is a romantic comedy TV series created by Jacque Edmonds Cofer that premiered on BET on January 11, 2011, with 4.4 million viewers. Initially, Malinda Williams was cast as Stacy but was replaced by Nadine Ellis. The series, titled after Al Green’s 1972 song, follows pediatrician Stacy Lawrence (Nadine Ellis) and her contractor fiancé Charles Whitmore (Bert Belasco) as they navigate cohabitation and the challenges of their intense relationship. Stacy’s sister, Tasha (Joyful Drake), and her husband, Jamal (RonReaco Lee), embody a different dynamic, acting like an old married couple despite being in their 20s. Charles’ sister, Kita (Erica Hubbard), enjoys her independence and works at the DMV. Kyla Pratt joined the cast as Crystal in season two. The show aired four seasons before its cancellation in September 2014.🎼🖤📸⭐️