The next case we're featuring for Hispanic Heritage month is Gwinnett County John Doe 2015. To submit your GEDmatch kit number for comparison to this Doe, click this link:
To learn more about this Doe, click this link:
DNA Doe Project is honoring Hispanic Heritage Month in October. This month we will be featuring 7 John Doe cases. Analysis of the DNA relatives in these cases indicates that they are descended from families in countries with Hispanic cultures.
These cases are extremely challenging for our expert investigative genetic genealogists because of the underrepresentation of Hispanic testers in the databases we use for our research - GEDmatch and FTDNA.
As part of our ongoing effort to help identify these Does, we're offering a free AncestryDNA kit to the first 10 NEW uploaders to GEDmatch who are a match to any of our 7 John Does this month.
Featured Case FAQ:
Q: If I submitted my kit number for a previous featured case, will it be compared to this Doe?
A: No - kit numbers submitted are not rolled forward into future months.
Q: I uploaded my DNA profile to GEDmatch before - do I need to do it again so it can be compared to this Doe?
A: No - if your DNA profile is in GEDmatch, it is already available for comparison to unidentified remains cases. If you want to learn whether or not you are a DNA relative of this Doe, you will need to submit your kit number to the form linked here:
Q: Can I submit the kit numbers of my relatives, like my child or my deceased grandmother?
A: No - you may only submit your own GEDmatch kit number.
Q: Can I share my DNA profile from AncestryDNA, 23andMe, or MyHeritage directly with DDP?
A: No - all comparisons are made in GEDmatch. Click this link to learn how to upload your profile to GEDmatch:
Q: What is the point of DDP's Featured Cases?
A: The goals of our Featured Case program are to encourage our followers to upload their DNA profiles to GEDmatch, and to bring attention to DDP cases in research. These are the two biggest ways for our Facebook friends to help DDP identify Does.