I know it's been a few months, but Bootheel Magazine isn't dead yet. Stay tuned!
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BOOM! Outta nowhere! July/August cover reveal. Digital edition available now. Physical copies are at the printer.
Digital Copy Available NOW!
Physical copies are held up at the printer. I apologize for the delay.
(Reposting because the sound was missing earlier, sorry)
Music by bensound.com
April Issue Cover Reveal! Copies available today!
April Cover Reveal! Copies available now!
February/March issue COVER REVEAL! Printer issues are causing delays for the physical copy but the digital issue is available now at BootheelMagazine.com.
BAM! Outta nowhere, January Cover Reveal!!
Bootheel Magazine - May 2021 cover reveal!
Bootheel Magazine - April 2021 Cover Reveal
Bootheel Magazine - March 2021 Cover Reveal
February Cover Reveal! Sorry for the delay, sickness and weather put us behind this month, but we still pulled through!