policing to train #1983 misconduct, conspiracy to intrude on a protected classes constitutional rights, abuse of power, perjury, illegal taking of property without due process, and seizure of person without authority, false imprisonment and without a warrent, and lacking probable cause for a crime I was not committing, but it was being committed on me,Failure to provide equa protection and enforcement to all citizens and bias against women, omission material facts to mislead the judge into continuing a malicious prosecution, without evidence to convicts and using an unreliable source for information as probable cause but when there is a civil dispute it give no rise to probable cause for arrest and any reasonable official should have none because the laws are out there to be known and ignorance is not a defence. And dereliction of duty in retaliation for association and freedom of speech! Also a dilberate indifference to my constitutional rights and the laws to be followed, reckless disregard for the truth because of discrimination based on my s*x/ gender, disability as a. Class of one and prior s*xual assault crime victim, what I have been going through is a egregious erroneous failure of the system to protect crime victims, and audingva abetting a abuser when committing ciersive and heinous crimes against an individual target, for helping the system out a s*xual predator behind bars for ten years. The cops have discredited me and treats me like im the problem, when I am being attacked by a group of people who are punishing me for being brave enough to come forwards and testify of such violent s*xual assault, to insure nobody else would fall victim, as I had. Where's the equal enforcement of justice in this situation, when do I get my life back , why are the cops helping this man's family destroy my life and who's going to pay damages done to end this customs followed by men and women in such a trusting community care based position. I am ask for compensation in the loss of enoumemt if my rights, property, and also punitive to deterr these men and women in our forces from ever making such mistakes as to shoke conscious as I am this at outrageous misconduct.
It's Time!
Years ago, Katt Williams revealed his IQ was measured at 163. Genius level.
Katt Williams could read fluently by the time he was 3 years old.
At age 12, Williams had received a full scholarship to The National Science Academy in Dayton, Ohio.
He's been associated with Mensa since he was 10, an organization involving genius level individuals.
A comedian confirmed this in a Vlad interview.
"In 30 years I've collected INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE and YOUR SECRETS"
"I' know sooo many things I shouldn't know"
When YOU EXPOSE people they will definitely turn against YOU!