Scott Colby
Author and Outland Editor Scott Colby began his drawing career way back in elementary school when he needed a way to keep himself entertained. A few short years later he realized he couldn’t draw for sh*t and turned to writing instead. Scott quickly exhausted his third grade classroom’s stash of writing prompts and set forth creating his own wholly original works. His stories about equipping his friends with magic weapons so they could fight ancient evils in his backyard were huge hits when the teacher discovered them and made him read them aloud to the class. Scott hated this.
As our boyish hero grew into a strapping young man, new influences added spicy flavor to his developing style. Terry Brooks provided a strong foundation in the fantasy genre. Neil Gaiman got him thinking about how magic and the modern world can coexist. The spice melange of Frank Herbert made Scott consider the impact of economics on his settings. Chuck Palahniuk and Thomas Pynchon drove an interest in offbeat, obsessive characters. Chelsea Handler made things even weirder.
Scott now resides in scenic Somerville, Massachusetts, the home of marshmallow Fluff. His other interests include gaming, fitness, and technology. Like any good Masshole, Scott also enjoys trips to Dunkin’ Donuts and swearing at the Red Sox.
Scott is author of Deviant Magic series and caretaker for the Pileaus World. Check out Stranger Than Fiction: Deviant Magic Book 4 now available at
Find Scott at and on Twitter @ ColbyKnowsBest and Instagram @ scottwritesfine.
#WritingCommunity #FantasyNovel
CG Volars is a proud ChicanX writer and sarcastic English teacher. She’s lived in 3 countries, 4 states, survived a category 5 hurricane & is currently banned from the Vatican.
CG currently resides in California with her family and two grey cats—Skittles and Rosie. In her spare time she writes, uses potty language and collects SciFi pins.
Her debut novel, Gravity and Lies: Static Over Space Book 1 releases Tuesday! It's available for preorder at
#ScienceFiction #Novel #WritingCommunity
Thomas and Nimue Brown
Tom and Nimue Brown share a love of gothic decay, poetry, wild landscapes and strange creatures. They have been collaborating for years, brought together initially by a publishing house. In the summer of 2009 they launched The Hopeless Vendetta – a weekly newspaper charting life on the fictional island of Hopeless. Many new members of the Hopeless, Maine creative family have since joined them there. There is now Hopeless, Maine graphic novels, novels, music, rpg, and all manner of wild collective creativity. The rumour that there may also be a film in the works can be confirmed by the authors.
The Browns are collectively influenced by Robert Holdstock, Lord Dunsany, the pre-Raphaelites, folklore, the modern Druid tradition, Steampunk and things gothic and gaslit. Both have worked separately in their respective fields. Tom has created covers for Professor Elemental and Steven Saville (among many others) Nimue writes pagan nonfiction, poetry, songs and fantasy novels.
Find Thomas, Nimue, and Hopeless, Maine across the web!
FB @nimue.brown Hopeless, Maine
IG @hopelessmaine @nimuebrown
Twt @HopelessMaine @GothicalTomB @Nimue_B
Deviant Art