If faced with just a handful of months to live, how would you reshape your life? Would you prioritize precious moments with cherished loved ones? Seek solace in the sanctuary of your home, offering prayers and gratitude to our Lord and Savior? Reflect on past choices, pondering what could have been, should have been, and longed to be? Would each day henceforth be embraced as if it were your final chapter?
These are the questions that loomed before my wife, Kathy, nearly two years ago. What commenced as a battle against stage 2 breast cancer, escalating to the formidable stage 4, became a trial by fire, a journey fraught with uncertainty, fear, and formidable challenges. Since her diagnosis, our lives have been forever transformed. Yet, amid the shadows, she discovered an indomitable light – the Grace of God.
It has evolved into a story that will resonate with countless souls worldwide. And why? For the simple reason of her unwavering faith as a Catholic and her fervent desire to embody God's Love and Grace.
Confronted with grim odds and a prognosis devoid of hope, Kathy chose to wage war with every ounce of her being. Clutching onto faith as her shield and prayer as her anchor, she embarked on a journey of healing that defied medical prognostications and surpassed human comprehension. Kathy clung to her faith as if her life depended on it, defying odds and confounding doctors. As of May 2024, she is now 22 months post terminal diagnosis, and her stage 4 cancer is gone... we are still
navigating the aftermath but for now, I am so grateful to have her by my side…
Go here to order her newest book: "The Year I Was Terminal" - you will not be disappointed, but extremely inspired: