I don’t know if the people can think outside of the “walls” of our country and think about the things that affect us from outside.
They have short-term memory loss but, feel strength in fighting for a cause most don’t understand . Unfortunately, many of our countries uneducated, and don’t understand the branches of government and don’t understand how congress and senate work They don’t understand how the Supreme Court is stacked, they don’t understand how the supreme court gave immunities to a person to abuse the presidential seal. We are in the position we’re in because of his four years of tariffs he put on product which caused our costs to go up. They are mad at costs but it’s a direct correlation with his policy.
He overrode security clearance for some on FBI watch lists and allowed Russians to enter the White House without vetting after over 34 years of being blocked and allowed them classified documents and there was no one there to stop it, and he ordered people who normally take notes on these meetings out of the room,
Having people like Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and many others that have been jailed or disbarred for breaking the law run our country. Look at all of his cabinet members, many of which have disassociated themselves with him and have warned the American people about his plan.
And if people don’t believe project 2025 is real, then they should have watched his last rally where all the members of the Heritage foundation were there in full support. Do you not think in return he is going to step up all of these policies. And JD Vance writes a forward in this catalog of deceit to the American people
Some say, he was persecuted by the press, but the press works both ways. There are many conservative news people that could have done the same thing to Democrats. Do you think they didn’t do it because they’re nice guys? They didn’t do it because they didn’t have facts behind it. The difference is with Trump they had many facts to support the accusations and claims.
I have been targeted in the past and sued frivolously. According to the law, I won my case and because I won my case, although I spent a lot of money, I was spared a felony and jail time. The people that say he has been frivolously attacked need to realize he gives a plethora of ammunition for them to use and when the courts open their doors and the judge and jury make a decision that yes he has broken the law and he is a felon it’s not a witch-hunt . He gets away with it. He broke the law and should have paid the price. He got on his pulpit and preached falsehoods and they bought it hook line and sinker.
No, we are looked at around the world like the laughingstock. I don’t doubt he will support Putin. I don’t doubt he will force territory lines to be rewritten, and I don’t doubt our allies are shaking their heads at the disastrous things that are going to come our way. He said it out of his own mouth and I believe him.