This mastering engineer in the post below knows exactly what he’s talking about. As a young producer, I took a vinyl mastering course in the 70s to spiff up my knowledge of how to mix and master for vinyl, sInce into the 80s, vinyl was the main delivery format. What he is saying in this video is exactly what I learned at that time.
New Moon Records will soon be embarking on our own completely analog series of recordings. It will not be vinyl however, as vinyl is very expensive to produce, and very unfriendly to the environment, not to mention that the last time I checked, the lab we use was booked up 7 months in advance.
We will be bringing our musical friends into our music dome and recording direct stereo reel to reel. Then, we will duplicate that directly to Cassette on our KABA system, which dups 10 tapes in real time at maximum quality. There will be no digital steps in the chain. On the cassettes, we will use premium metal tapes with no noise reduction.
We will also offer a more processed digital version made from the analog master to the music services for wider distribution, as our cassettes will be very limited production.
We are excited to start this project and will keep you posted regarding it. We are also happy to see the resurgence of cassette music delivery for analog buffs.
Meantime, check out the young mastering engineer's comments below.....See Comments
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