Congratulations to the fine poets appearing in Three Line Poetry Issue #57! Featuring fine poetry by Brett Abrahamsen, Jaya Avendel, KB Ballentine, Robert Beveridge, Ann Boaden, Ralph Carusillo, Corey Cook, Stephen Curro, Bre Davis, Laurie Decker, Sarah Deranleau, Isaac Eustice, Kevin Glowacki, Gail Greenwood, Mary Gunn, John Hansen, Thorwald Hansen, Shasta Hatter, Bruce Heap, Robert Hunt, Mullins Ian, Rani Jayakumar, Alvin Johnson, Eliot Kurfman, Melissa Laussmann, Kristin Lawrence, Bruce Levine, Laura McCorry, Sydney McQuoid, Alan Meyrowitz, Wendy Miller, M. E. Murray, Patricia Pella, Joseph Pete, April Pitts, Carrie Polega, Rebecca Pyne, Anthony Ray, D. Ryan, J.E. Seuk, Jennifer Smith, David Anthony Sam, Ray Spitzenberger, David Tate, DJ Tyrer, JR Vork, Debbie Walker-Lass, Nells Wasilewski, Sara Wilhoite-Mathews, and Rachel Zempel.