J-Town Journal

J-Town Journal Jenkins Independent Schools news written by Jenkins students. Find us in Letcher County’s News-Press!

Staff Spotlight: Paul Whitaker Coaches For The Success of His Students Mr. Paul Whitaker is the District Success Coach a...

Staff Spotlight: Paul Whitaker Coaches For The Success of His Students

Mr. Paul Whitaker is the District Success Coach at JMHS. He performs many support tasks for the school district, he directly assists students with online coursework, and he also assists with credit recovery by ensuring that students stay on track to be successful in their high school career and future endeavors. This is Mr. Whitaker’s first year in this position, and he already plays an important role here at Jenkins and has made a positive impact in many students' lives. He is the coach for the Lady Cavaliers Basketball Team and High School Golf Team. He has also coached middle school basketball, baseball, and football for JMHS.

After Mr. Whitaker graduated from highschool he attended Transylvania University. After September 11, 2001, he decided to leave college and join the military, leaving the service as a Staff Sergeant. During his service he finished his Degree in Business by taking classes at Morehead State University, Babson College and Liberty University. He also held several positions before working at JMHS. After leaving the military he worked for Superior Printing & Publishing for several years. Then, he became a Private Investigator for a law firm in Whitesburg before starting at Jenkins.

While here at Jenkins, Mr. Whitaker’s biggest achievement is seeing the athletes and students that he helps directly succeed. This year he was able to help senior athletes receive offers from various colleges and universities to continue playing the sports they love at the collegiate level. He also helps students apply for scholarships. Getting to see the smiles on their faces and hearing about the success in his students life has been the greatest achievement that he could’ve ever imagined while working here.

Mr. Whitaker has enjoyed his time working here at JMHS. Each day presents him with a new challenge that pushes him to better himself professionally. Mr. Whitaker says he gets to work with some of the greatest people at Jenkins. He loves to be able to be a part of something that shapes the future of our community and country. He doesn’t take this opportunity lightly and is very appreciative of the district for being able to work here and understands the gravity of his purpose within the educational process.

While Mr. Whitaker is involved with multiple sports teams and being involved in numerous youth activities for our community, this makes it hard to find free time. When he does get the chance he really enjoys reading, painting models, and spending time with his family.

The Jenkins Community Thanks Mr. paul Whitaker for the many services he provides to our Cavalier family!

-Kinlee Breeding, Summer White, Taylor Callahan, & Zach Stiles

JMHS Students Witness Solar Eclipse A Solar Eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon that, before April 8th, last occurred ...

JMHS Students Witness Solar Eclipse

A Solar Eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon that, before April 8th, last occurred in 2017. It occurs when the moon comes directly in between the Earth and the Sun. Western parts of Kentucky had a Total Eclipse while Eastern Kentucky had a 90% Eclipse. A Total Eclipse is when the moon fully covers the sun and makes a ring around the moon that is visible in different parts of the world. This will not occur in North America again until 2044.

Although Western Kentucky was fortunate enough to witness a Total Eclipse, many across the United States were able to observe at least a partial eclipse. A Total Eclipse was visible in 15 states, including Texas, Oklahoma, and even New York. This spectacular event was visible throughout North America, spanning from Mexico, through 15 states of the U.S., and beyond into Canada.

To watch the Eclipse, Jenkins Middle High School let their students walk to the Football field and sit on the bleachers to witness the eclipse. The school also provided every student with certified Solar Eclipse glasses so they could watch without having to buy their own protective eyewear. After the event, the students walked back to the school to leave for the day.

A JMHS student, Andrew Ratliff, had the opportunity to travel to Western Kentucky to witness the Total Eclipse. We interviewed Andrew about his experience. He said “when you look through the glasses, the only way I can describe it is an eyeball looking directly at you.” Andrew traveled to Henderson County, which is almost a 6-hour drive, just to witness it.

People across the U.S. gathered to witness this amazing phenomenon. Some watched with their families, while others preferred to experience it with a group of friends. At JMHS, we were grateful to have shared this unforgettable experience.

-Layla Rodriguez & Noah Fleming

Jenkins Seniors Enjoy Last Hoorah On Their Senior Trip to Orlando Jenkins High School seniors went on their senior trip ...

Jenkins Seniors Enjoy Last Hoorah On Their Senior Trip to Orlando

Jenkins High School seniors went on their senior trip April 1st through April 5th. Jenkins students fundraised and worked very hard to be able to afford this trip. The students were very proud of themselves and their hard work and enjoyed a week full of fun and relaxation.

The seniors left Jenkins at 8 pm on March 31st. They arrived at their first stop, Aquatica. The students stayed until the park closed, and they ended their day at Disney Springs. The second day, the students spent all day at Universal and Adventure Island. Their third day, the seniors spent their day relaxing at the beach. Their fourth and final day, the seniors went to Disney World’s Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. After their day at Disney, they started their drive home. On their way they enjoyed an early breakfast at waffle house thanks to Mr. Boggs, Mrs. Wright, and Ms. Baker.

In an interview with senior Laya Rodriguez she said, “I loved going to universal. My favorite memory was getting a kiss from Princess Tiana.” Layla’s advice for next year's seniors is to “bring sunscreen and spend your time with Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Baker because they are a lot of fun.”

Noah Fleming is another senior that attended the trip. He describes the trip as a very fun experience and shared with us his favorite things about it. While being interviewed he said, “my favorite memory from my senior trip was when I was asleep and the snack box fell on my nose.” He also enjoyed spending time with his girlfriend. Noah’s favorite day was the day they spent at the beach because he got to eat at a delicious beachside seafood restaurant and all the boys played football together.

On behalf of the seniors we would like to personally thank everyone who made this trip possible. We all had an amazing time and are so grateful for this opportunity we were given, our sponsors, and everyone who donated to help fund our trip. We made so many memories and brought back many stories with us. We will forever be grateful for this experience. From your Jenkins seniors, thank you!

-Brylee Smith, Madison Church, & Laken Graham

JMHS Student Voice Team Learns Important Lessons About Leadership The Jenkins Middle and High School Student Voice Teams...

JMHS Student Voice Team Learns Important Lessons About Leadership

The Jenkins Middle and High School Student Voice Teams traveled to Southeast Community & Technical College for a seminar on community togetherness. They met with other schools in the surrounding districts to learn more about our community with Keisha Hunt-Eary. Mrs. Keisha did a great job of making a safe place for students to speak their minds freely.

To start the seminar, the students gathered at the front of the room, standing in a circle. Our own Maddie Sexton started off the first activity by holding a ball of yarn and telling everyone her name and a unique trait about herself. She then threw it to someone else in the circle and they did the same. Each student held onto the string until the last person was introduced. Mrs. Keisha then explained how a community is only a community when everyone works to keep it going. She said that as long as you have a strong foundation, your community is strong, and she pressed down on the string that everyone held on to in order to prove it. Then, she explained that if you don't have a strong foundation, your community will fall apart and half the room dropped its string to show that now the community has little to no structure and it is falling apart.

After the first activity, Mrs. Keisha continued on the topic of community and talked about the mindset that students need to have to have a stronger community. Mrs. Keisha opened up a conversation with students about how they need to have an open mind when it comes to being and helping out in our community. During her presentation, she brought up a good point: “If you ever want to be a part of a community, you have to step out of your comfort zone”.

The next activity we did was a game called roadblock. Six students stood at the front of the room with two sets of three people looking at each other. All the students worked together to get each of the six students to the opposite side while following the rules set by Mrs. Keisha. After a few tries, the students finally worked together to clear the roadblock. During the final try, Mrs. Keisha picked out six more students to do the game again but this time all the students could say was yes or no to get the roadblock clear.

Mrs. Keisha ended the seminar with one last activity: building specific communities. All the students were split into two groups and had five minutes to work together to list all the people that it takes to make a community. One group listed all the jobs and people that it takes to run a sports team while the other listed all the people it takes to make a video game.

All the students who were involved in the Student Voice seminar will be forever changed in their view of a community. We now understand the importance of being a part of your community and all that goes into making your community strong.

-Layla Rodriguez & Noah Fleming

Staff Spotlight: In His First Year At JMHS, Mr. Clay Johnson Playing Big Role Mr. Clay Johnson is an English teacher at ...

Staff Spotlight: In His First Year At JMHS, Mr. Clay Johnson Playing Big Role

Mr. Clay Johnson is an English teacher at JMHS. He started working here just this year, but he plays a much bigger role in our school than one would think. This is Mr. Johnsons’s second year of being a certified teacher. Mr. Johnson went to the University of Kentucky where he graduated with a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in Secondary English Education.

In Mr. Johnson’s short time being at JMHS he has become a very involved and important part of the Cavalier community. Mr. Johnson is the sponsor of the J-Town Journal, the Beta Club, and the Dungeons & Dragons Club, and he is in charge of our prom committee. Mr. Johnson was also the one to start the Beta Club and the J-Town Journal. In his short time working with the Beta Club, they've done lots of community service projects and hope to soon take a trip to Cincinnati in April. Mr. Johnson says that starting up the J-Town Journal has been one of his greatest joys in his professional life, and he feels rewarded getting to see his students take pride in their writing and when getting positive feedback from the community. Mr. Johnson is also the resident Dungeon Master in the Dungeons & Dragons club.

Mr. Johnson’s inspiration to become a teacher came from his mother. She has been a teacher at Shelby Valley High School for 28 years. Being able to see how many students his mom positively impacted made Mr. Johnson want to follow in her footsteps. Outside of school, Mr Johnson spends his time with his family and friends. He enjoys cooking and writing poetry and short stories. He also collects records, books, and oddities.

Before Mr. Johnson became a teacher at JMHS, he was teaching at Bryan Station High School. Although he loved his time at BSHS, JMHS is a school of around 200 while BSHS has about 1900. Mr. Johnson gets to be more involved here at Jenkins not only with the students and staff but also with all the activities and clubs he sponsors.

In the short time Mr. Johnson has been with us at JMHS, he has found a family here and improved our school by choosing to be so involved with the people in it. One of Mr. Johnson’s goals is to be able to see all of his students succeed in their lives, so one of his proudest moments working at JMHS is getting to see how hard his students try in their journey towards success. He is thankful for his JMHS family and for the opportunities working here has afforded him. We wish Mr. Johnson many more years of success here in the Cavalier community.

-Kinlee Breeding, Summer White, Taylor Callahan, & Zachery Stiles

Local Businesses Share Future Opportunities with JMHS Students On Friday, March 23rd, Jenkins Independent school held a ...

Local Businesses Share Future Opportunities with JMHS Students

On Friday, March 23rd, Jenkins Independent school held a career fair. Local businesses came in and talked to all the students about future jobs they could get right in our community. All grades got to go and hear from multiple different establishments. Along with information about the jobs, the companies brought a lot of freebies for the students to enjoy.

We are very grateful for the opportunities our school provides our students to better their future. The students were able to discuss future career options with representatives from Pikeville Medical Center, Kentucky Career Center, medical professionals from Southeast Community & Technical College, Kentucky River Community Care, Art by Lacy Hale, Wise County Career Technical Center, medical professionals from Hazard ARH and Hazard Community and Technical College, the National Guard, a Kentucky Conservation Officer, KHEAA, Mountain Comprehensive Care Center, Double Kwik, Walmart, and Mountain Comp. Our cavaliers were taught the importance of following your own path and that there is an assortment of different jobs they could have.

Career fairs offer students a chance to explore these entry level options and to talk with employers about what makes an ideal employee for those positions. A career fair can also introduce students to alternative career paths they might not have thought about previously. These fairs discuss the education the students will need to enter the job they’re interested in.

On behalf of Jenkins Independent, we would like to thank everyone who was able to come and talk to our students. This was an amazing opportunity that our school was blessed to be a part of. We hope to have everyone back in the future for another job fair. Our community came together and helped make a difference by promoting jobs that are Letcher County based. Our students were equally as grateful and enjoyed spending time and talking to everyone.

-Brylee Smith, Madison Church, & Laken Graham

Staff Spotlight: Mrs. Sally Hubbard Brings Learning To Life in Her Science Classes Mrs. Sally Hubbard stands as one of t...

Staff Spotlight: Mrs. Sally Hubbard Brings Learning To Life in Her Science Classes

Mrs. Sally Hubbard stands as one of the most seasoned educators at Jenkins Middle High School, boasting an impressive tenure of 39 years in the teaching profession. Her journey at Jenkins commenced eight years ago when she answered the persistent calls inviting her to join the JMHS team as a science teacher. Mrs. Hubbard's educational background includes earning her undergraduate and Master’s Degrees in Education from Morehead State University.

For Mrs. Hubbard, the essence of teaching lies in witnessing her students unlock their potential. She finds immense satisfaction in guiding them toward realizing their capabilities. One of her greatest joys in teaching is conducting science labs, where she can actively engage with her students. Among the memorable labs organized in Mrs. Hubbard's classes are the mousetrap car experiment, illuminating Newton’s laws of motion; the chocolate syrup lab, exploring chemical reactions and physical properties; and the mystery solutions lab, aimed at teaching students how to identify solutions based on their acidity and properties. Mrs. Hubbard thrives on hands-on and enjoyable activities that foster a deeper understanding of scientific concepts.

Mrs. Hubbard indulges in various interests outside of school hours. Her leisure pursuits include fishing, horseback riding, engaging in Friday night family games, and actively participating in church activities. However, her fondest memories and greatest joy stem from her involvement in the Bible Club and the theatrical productions she orchestrates with its members. These performances, including recent productions like the Christmas and Easter plays, not only provide students with creative outlets but also serve as profound learning experiences. Mrs. Hubbard's dedication and involvement have left a lasting impact on her students, profoundly influencing their lives and fostering a love for learning.

Mrs. Hubbard's unwavering commitment to education and her hands-on approach to teaching have established her as an integral part of the JMHS community. Her passion for empowering students and her dedication to enriching their educational experience are deeply appreciated by both students and colleagues alike. The entire school community is grateful for Mrs. Hubbard's invaluable contributions to the school's growth and the development of its students.

-Summer White and Kinlee Breeding


JMHS Juniors Give It Their All During Spring ACT

On Tuesday, March 19th, the junior class at Jenkins Middle High School tackled the ACT, a significant milestone they've been preparing for all year. With dedicated guidance from our outstanding math, science, and English teachers, our juniors were equipped with the skills needed to excel on this crucial exam.

The ACT is comprised of four sections: English, Math, Reading, and Science. Ahead of the test, students underwent a two-day Torch Prep boot camp, designed to arm them with strategies for problem-solving, eliminating answer choices, and managing time effectively. Additionally, our teachers collaborated with MasteryPrep to explore innovative approaches to help students navigate the test successfully.

Among the educators who contributed to our juniors' preparation is Mrs. Azure Wright, who teaches Algebra I and II, Math Concepts, and Business Math. Reflecting on the testing experience, Mrs. Wright remarked, "I believe the tests went exceptionally well. The students exhibited a positive attitude and you could see they were giving their best effort."

We also spoke with Caiden Yonts, one of the junior test-takers. Caiden expressed confidence during the test, attributing it to the comprehensive preparation received both in class and during boot camps. He specifically mentioned the diligent efforts of Mrs. Hubbard, our science teacher, who incorporated ACT practice tests and assignments throughout the year, ensuring he felt well-prepared for the science section. Recognizing the importance of achieving a high score on the ACT for scholarship opportunities and college admissions, Caiden expressed gratitude for the support of all his teachers.

Following the completion of the ACT, students were treated to a well-deserved reward. They gathered in the cafeteria to enjoy pizza before spending the remainder of the school day in the gymnasium, engaging in card games, volleyball, basketball, and socializing with their peers. The pride we feel for our juniors knows no bounds; we are confident they will accomplish remarkable feats. We anxiously await their outstanding scores and eagerly look forward to witnessing their future achievements.

-Madison Church, Laken Graham, & Brylee Smith

JMHS Upperclassmen Learn Appalachian Pride from Kentucky Poet Laureate Silas House Silas House, the esteemed poet laurea...

JMHS Upperclassmen Learn Appalachian Pride from Kentucky Poet Laureate Silas House

Silas House, the esteemed poet laureate of Kentucky, paid a visit to the junior and senior classes at Jenkins Middle High School last Friday. It was a momentous occasion for the students to interact with such a prominent figure in our community and to gain insight into his remarkable journey of accomplishments over the years. During his brief time with us, Mr. House imparted invaluable lessons, emphasizing the significance of embracing and celebrating our roots.

The students convened at Southeast Kentucky Community College to engage in a presentation and Q&A session with Silas House, facilitated by English teacher Clay Johnson. Mr. Johnson shared a heartfelt anecdote illustrating the profound impact Silas had on his life, particularly through his debut novel, "Clay's Quilt."

Mr. House guided us through a compelling slideshow titled "My Appalachian Story." He discussed how society often labels us as mountain people, hillbillies, or eccentric, yet emphasized the importance of standing up for our heritage and taking pride in our origins. He underscored the resilience and passion inherent in Appalachian culture, highlighting the hardworking nature of its people and their dedication to endeavors both big and small.

Drawing from his own upbringing in Laurel County, Silas shared anecdotes about his childhood. Growing up in a humble red trailer surrounded by cousins and friends, he described his parents as kindred spirits who instilled in him the belief that they could rise above poverty through hard work, a belief they ultimately realized.

Mr. House also spoke fondly of the influential women in his community and family, including his aunt who owned Dot's Groceries, where he absorbed the rich tapestry of stories woven by patrons. These encounters fueled his passion for storytelling, a legacy passed down by his mother and the compassionate lunch ladies at school. He credited a seventh-grade teacher for introducing him to transformative books that shaped his perspective.

Delving into his literary repertoire, Silas discussed the seven books he has authored, treating us to a reading from his debut work. A lively Q&A session followed, with students eagerly posing questions. Senior Bell Parker aked about the academic perceptions shaped by Appalachia, prompting Mr. House to candidly share his experiences of facing prejudice and misconceptions.

In conclusion, the encounter with Silas House left an indelible impact on the junior and senior classes of Jenkins Middle High School. He inspired us to take pride in our heritage and to defy societal expectations, embodying the resilience and spirit of Appalachia. His words will resonate within us, urging us to forge our paths with determination and authenticity.

-Layla Rodriguez & Noah Fleming

Big stuff incoming! The J-Town Journal now has an official TikTok account! Here, you’ll get to see the fun (and sometime...

Big stuff incoming! The J-Town Journal now has an official TikTok account! Here, you’ll get to see the fun (and sometimes funny) side of the Journal and its amazing writers. Go watch our first video and give us a follow!

Check out J-Town Journal’s video.

JMHS Kicks Off Baseball and Softball Season at Meet the Cavs On Tuesday, March 12th, Jenkins Baseball and Softball playe...

JMHS Kicks Off Baseball and Softball Season at Meet the Cavs

On Tuesday, March 12th, Jenkins Baseball and Softball played against each other to kick off their seasons. For the first time in Jenkins history, the boys and girls tied. This is a great start for both the Softball and Baseball team.

The players on the baseball team are John Addington, Hunter Anderson, Ryan Church, Dakota Johnson, Chase McNeely, Matt Morris, Roger Niles, Sammual Whitaker, Maliek Wright, Anthony Wyatt, and Hunter Wyatt. This year we have four seniors on the team; Matt Morris, John Addington, Ryan Church, and Caleb Morgan. The boys play their first home game on March 20th at 4:30. They play River View from Bradshaw, West Virginia. The coach this year is Devin Newsom, and this is his 3rd year coaching.

The players on the softball team are Brooklyn Baker, Johannah Banks, Harlow Bates, Arieanna Brown, Anyia Chipahua, Makayla Cox, Nyla Kelly, Caliegh Kilgore, Toni Miller, Emilee Mullins, Alexis Richie, Carlee Sexton, and Bella Stanley. The only senior this year is Alexis Richie. Joe Banks is our Jenkins softball coach for the 2nd year. The girls’ first game is March 14th at 6pm against Buckhorn.

In an interview with senior Alexis Richie ,she shared with us how she’s feeling about the upcoming softball season: “It was wonderful! I think this season will be great, and I’m excited to see how my team plays. I’m sad to see my senior year of softball come to an end. I’m excited to see what the new players bring to our team.”

In an interview with senior Mathew Morris, he said “Meet the Cavs was fun; it was my first Meet the Cavs for baseball. I'm very excited for this season. There's a lot of changes from last year. I'm sad that this is my last year playing high school sports. I'll be leaving friends and living a different lifestyle next year.”

All in all, our Cavaliers are looking forward to an exciting season. We have a lot of new players starting this year. It is always good to see that students are interested in trying new things. We are looking forward to seeing our Cavs hit it out of the park and want to wish our players a great season!

-Madison Church, Laken Graham, & Brylee Smith

Academic Team Prodigy Landon Thacker Competes at State Governor’s Cup Competition Landon Thacker, a 7th grader at JMHS, ...

Academic Team Prodigy Landon Thacker Competes at State Governor’s Cup Competition

Landon Thacker, a 7th grader at JMHS, recently qualified to compete in the Governor’s Cup State Academic competition. This is his second time making his way to state in the few years he has been competing.

We were able to interview Landon and ask him about his academic team career. Landon first started academics during his 4th-grade year and plans to continue competing in academic competitions till he graduates high school.

Landon has a meticulous regime when preparing for competitions like state. He first takes time and watches videos of various arts and humanities topics to get as much information as he can, as the arts & humanities written test is his primary competition. Landon’s friends and teammates help Landon review questions and quiz him. This preparation has proved to be beneficial for his success in academic team journey.

With this being the second time that Landon has been to the Governor’s Cup State Academic competition, he is very excited about his achievements. He told us about his excitement for being a part of the competition for the second time in his short academic career. In the interview, he left us with this quote: “I'm very excited and stoked that I've managed to go for the second time; it's one of the best feelings I've ever had!”

Currently, Landon is preparing for a Civics Bee and using the same methods he used to get into state. After the Civics Bee, he plans to keep up with his studies until another competition is available.

At the end of the interview, Landon told us about the fun times that he had during this last season in academics. He told us about the connections that he made with the coach and other students who also participated in academics.

Jenkins Middle High School is proud of Landon’s achievements over the past few years. We hope that Landon can continue to follow this path and become an inspiration to new students coming to Jenkins.

-Layla Rodriguez, Noah Fleming, and Phillip Akers

Staff Spotlight: School Nurse Lisa Collins Takes Care of the Students at JMHSNurse Lisa is the school nurse and district...

Staff Spotlight: School Nurse Lisa Collins Takes Care of the Students at JMHS

Nurse Lisa is the school nurse and district health coordinator for the Jenkins Independent School System. Lisa has worked at Jenkins for 9 years. She said her favorite thing about working for Jenkins is the “staff and students; everyone is great, caring, and friendly." Nurse Lisa plays a huge role at Jenkins Middle High School in keeping all of our students safe and healthy.

Nurse Lisa graduated from Southern Illinois University/Wabash Valley College in 1983 with a degree in Nursing She also received her RN license the same year from Indiana. Nurse Lisa has been an RN for 40 years, and before moving from Indiana to Kentucky and working for Jenkins, she worked as an adolescent psychiatric nurse at a hospital in Evansville, so she has spent her whole life working with children and teens.

We asked Nurse Lisa what she liked about being a nurse and the biggest challenge she has had with it, and she said “I love being a nurse and especially working with students. The biggest challenge is time management in getting to both schools each day.” We also asked her what made her choose this career path, and she said that in high school, she wanted to be a history teacher, but when she went to college, she realized how much she loved working with children and teens. She said when she got the opportunity to work in a school as a nurse, it was the best because she worked with children and was also in a school setting.

Nurse Lisa enjoys lots of things but mostly visits her children who are grown. She also likes doing fun things outside of school like traveling, camping, and watching sports. She grew up in Indiana, so she especially loves watching basketball. She also likes making crafts, canning food, and gardening.

Nurse Lisa plays the biggest role in our school to keep the children at Jenkins Middle High School safe and healthy. We at Jenkins would not know what to do without her and we appreciate everything Mrs. Lisa does for all the children.

-Summer White & Kinlee Breeding

Staff Spotlight: Polly Fleming's Distinguished Service at JMHS This week's staff spotlight shines on Polly Fleming, a de...

Staff Spotlight: Polly Fleming's Distinguished Service at JMHS

This week's staff spotlight shines on Polly Fleming, a dedicated professional with over 25 years of service in education. Mrs. Fleming, a proud Cavalier, appreciates the strong sense of community at Jenkins Middle High School, where she feels a deep connection, having either attended school with or worked alongside many staff members.

Mrs. Fleming's educational journey began at Elkhorn City High School, where she laid the foundation for her future academic pursuits. She earned her bachelor's degree at Midway University, pursued her Master's at The University of Texas at Arlington, and achieved her Rank 1 at the University of the Cumberlands.

Her love for Jenkins schools blossomed 25 years ago when she initially served as a substitute. During this time, she collaborated with Mrs. Angie Collins in a program similar to Gear Up, igniting her passion for making a positive impact on the lives of local children. When the opportunity arose to return to Jenkins as a teacher, Mrs. Fleming eagerly embraced it.

Mrs. Fleming aspires to leave a lasting impression on her students, aiming to provide them with a better understanding of the world. Emphasizing resilience, she encourages her students to learn from mistakes and keep striving. Her guiding mantra for students is, "If that is the worst thing that happens today, I will be alright."

In addition to her educational contributions, Mrs. Fleming has a lesser-known background as a reptile enthusiast. Having lived in North Carolina for 14 years, she found herself involved in reptile rehabilitation and rescue. Over the years, she cared for various creatures, including snakes, frogs, tortoises, and a diverse array of lizards. After the floods in 2022, Mrs. Fleming provided shelter for displaced reptiles, showcasing her commitment to both education and community service.

We extend our gratitude to Mrs. Fleming for her invaluable contributions to our school and her positive impact on JMHS this year. As she continues to inspire and empower students in the years ahead, we eagerly anticipate witnessing the continued growth and success she brings to our educational community.

-Brylee Smith, Madison Church, and Laken Graham


269 Highway 3086
Jenkins, KY



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