I have an "issue". See I wrote a "dense and intense" book that took 29 years to finish and cost me almost everything for agreeing to go through the story with God. He was CONFRONTING EVERYTHING in our culture. Why we get sick. Who is complicit in keeping us sick that shouldn't be (hint: churches and Rx writing doctors). Why typical mainstream methods to get well don't work. HOW THE CONSUMER IS THE LARGEST AND MOST POWERFUL FORCE ON THE PLANET. How to heal the body, over and over and over He's led me to and through challenges always teaching and then INSISTED along the way that I write the book. I didn't want to write a book. I knew it would be hard and I knew it was likely going to end my marriage and more. I could feel it. It was written in the air around me. I would see later that it was even shown to me "You will be abandoned as a young bride" (Isaiah 54 given through my now ex back in 1990) written in a journal May 27th, 1990. A poem even shoved it's way into existence last year at this exact time (February 2023). The book came out and readers began dropping to their knees in tears and one woman Jhoulia Ghoulia even had a 2-hour healing encounter with God while reading it because it's that kind of book for those who are ready. So, why am I not launching the podcast I've been avoiding for 10 years I keep wondering this myself. Honestly I think I'm psychologically affected adversely by watching very few to none taking my warning posts about wireless harm to heart. Could be facebook but when I see 13 people have reacted to a post and only 2 shares it makes me think, feel, act on the idea that my posts aren't valued enough to be shared. Book sales are at zero. Again, VERY FEW share it or comment if they're actually reading it. So...I just don't feel like what I have to offer is valued. "What you do not understand you will not value. What you do not value you will destroy." Now granted, it could be that I just need to get over myself but launching a podcast IS A LOT OF WORK. I'm already not being paid for what I do, having to wait to buy things because I'm low on funds, while I'm paying for the websites, the domains, the emails for every site...checking them, watching videos that I turn into graphics and posts that aren't shared widely by anyone but me and one or two others SOMETIMES. I mean I don't know what more I need to do be worthy of MORE SUPPORT. I'm 66 yrs old and have been warning about wireless now for 7 years and yet how many of you have changed your ways with your wireless? How many of you bother to even bag your phone or not use it in the car with yourself or your family? How many of you have bothered to hardwire your computers? How many of you have gone to the NoATT.blog site or shared content from it with others? How many of you have shared the NoMoreTowersInTheOzarks.org site content? How many of you professing Christians have actually prayed about your "unbridled" use of it See? I'm afraid I'm going to be used to entertain people who have no intention of acting on my content which keeps me at this computer when I'm sure my health would be better if I wasn't. I'm willing but I'm not sure I'm willing to do so with this level of non-support. I feel like one lone voice hollering w/o a mic in a massive stadium where everyone is hollering. THAT is how online feels to me now. It makes me want to sit down and shut up and watch the show. It doesn't make me want to grab a mic and jump on a stage. I'm a sigma personality, a watcher. No matter what you say or think or comment I want you to FIRST stop and think about how you would be affected if you were me. Would you move forward if you KNEW it was going to be a sh** ton of work involved? I'm neutralized it seems. I have a few things stewing in place but I keep telling God, "YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO DO SOMETHING GODish TO GET ME OFF OF THIS STATE OF MIND". So, just thought I'd let you know. Next week some things should move forward with the book changes and then once I get the printing in place I expect GOD or someone or something will happen cuz as soon as it's IN PLACE I can start focusing on recording and other tasks but if I do this....YOU NEED TO RECOGNIZE THAT IT'S ANOTHER GIFT OF OBEDIENCE because left to my own reasoning...if people won't read a book that took 29 years and cost the author dearly....I'm not sure people are demonstrating that they WANT KNOWLEDGE or guidance. I knew I didn't want to write a book. What's that joke, "my ship came in but everyone was at the airport"? What a messed up world. No wonder our world is crazy. A bunch of unguided, misinformed, and uninformed humans walking around doing whatever feels good in accordance with the entertainment, not education, they're getting from media, BIASED, SPONSORED MEDIA. :-( Matthew Turner Wayne Stuart and Jhoulia Ghoulia please chime in about how much work social media is. I know Matthew will. Prayers appreciated! https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/donation-options/
My first choice of places to receive donations, because it avoids fees, is: Look for the account under the email address: [email protected]. ZellePay allows you to send or receive money withou…