I posted this to my sibling and kids prayer groups today. I thought you all would like to read it too. ❤️
Day 31 Do you expect to hear from God?
We are all familiar with our dad’s, “A.S.K.!” I know I heard him say it often because I was stubborn and independent. Let’s look a little deeper at what Jesus meant when He said it. To do so we need to look at the original intent of the words and the tense in the Greek. The words “aiteite” ask, “zateite” seek, and “krouete” knock, are written in the present, imperative tense and are better translated, “You MUST regularly ask, continually seek and habitually knock.” Mt. 7:7
This changes our polite petitions. Instead of asking, “May my kids and grandkids be blessed, I rewrote my prayer, “Father my kids and grandkids MUST hear Your voice! You MUST bless them with understanding so they will know You, and Your will which is good, pleasing and perfect.
When Jesus taught His disciples to pray He also used the present imperative tense saying, “You MUST be praying this way, “Our Father, Who is in the heavens:
Your name must at once be made holy: Your kingdom must now come: Your will must be done right now, as in heaven, also on earth: You must now give us today the things necessary for our existence. You must right now forgive our sins for us, in the same manner as we have completed forgiving everyone of everything, big and little against us. And do not lead us into temptation, but You must now rescue us from the evil one.
How do we, the children, have the audacity to petition our Creator this way? Only through our covenant relationship with Jesus. When He said, “It is finished.” He made full payment for our sins and fallen nature. In Lk. 11:8 we read of the man who pounded on his neighbor’s door in the middle of the night asking for bread to feed his unexpected guests. The neighbor refused him saying, “I’m in bed! My kids are in bed!” Essentially, Go away!
But the man persisted and because of his “shamelessness” his neighbor gets up and gives him what he needs.
We can stand before our Father shamelessly, and put our needs before Him. Jesus took our shame and bore it on the cross. (And that’s another message for another day.)
So let’s practice some present, imperative pleading today because you know as well as I do, this world needs intervention now!
Father, we MUST see changes in our world, our leaders MUST serve You, not themselves.
Israel MUST be saved, America MUST be saved! For the people of the world need a safe haven to honor and worship You. Salvation and miracles, signs and wonders MUST multiply now! In Jesus’ name and by the power of His blood shed at the cross.