Save the Dates! - March 22 – 25
St. Paul’s is Blessed to Welcome:
Father Rafael Capó who will lead us in Our Lenten Parish Mission: “The Word Made Flesh – Eucharist: Call and Mission”
Father Rafael Capó will be with us at all Masses March 22 and 23 and then will lead us in our Lenten Parish Mission Monday evening March 24 and Tuesday evening March 25. He comes to us with amazing experience, dynamism and love.
Father Capó is a priest of the Archdiocese of Miami; V.P. Mission & Ministry and Dean of Theology at St. Thomas University; a Pontifical Missionary of Mercy - appointed by Pope Francis and National Eucharistic Preacher – appointed by US Conference of Catholic Bishops. He has served as executive director of SEPI, as school president, vocations director and holds multiple degrees.
He participates in major national initiatives of Hispanic Ministry; Ministry with Young People; World Youth Day; member of the Society for Catholic Liturgy and actively calls us to fitness for the Kingdom, in body, mind, and spirit.