Third Rail Commentary

Third Rail Commentary Conservative commentary views what is going on in our society with detailed analysis of issues in the news and beyond—viewed from all angles.


There has been a lot of talk about TARIFFS with good arguments on both sides of the debate.

I encourage the common person like myself to become a bit knowledgeable on the subject and how it pertains to the American economy and indivual Financials.

I would caution us all not to fall into the political game, or becomes victims of propaganda of elite oligarchs who seek to control top down the vision of a global utopia ( yes that's a real thing).

I personally have spent a number of hours attempting to understand tariffs in general as well as the proposed policies of President Trump. I have been reading and listening to alot of smart people who really understand this topic.

I have also run across fear mongers who have been pushing out "dead head lines" with no substance at all except political emotionalism.

My goal is not to be moved by emotion, fear, bias or political factionalism, but rather by calm reason and logic; then express my personal insight and support or non support.

There are some steep pros and cons concerning the current proposed policies.

America has had some powerful history regarding tariffs in our past, so this is not a new idealogy; in fact much of the federal revenue of our nation for much of its history was acquired through tariffs and not income taxes.

There are a lot of nuances in regards to this issue with powerful entities involved who are looking at potential shifts in power, and influence. Total study of this subject can lead to a number of rabbit holes so stay focused and be warned.

Don't rely strictly on the legacy media reporting and sensationalism, dig down and understand how it all adds up for the nation, and you as well.

As always I encourage you dear citizens to:






After doing some poking around, the "Pet Eating" narrative surrounding haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio appears to not be all that it is said to be.

It bothers me that the Trump campaign jumped into this so quickly without redundant vetting for truth.

Now to be clear I often like to vet what information I get from both candidates campaigns.

Most of trumps rhetoric is fairly accurate, but this current narrative only fuels the fires that nothing he says is correct.

Now the reports coming out of Springfield are a mix of facts and fiction twisted together, to muddy the waters and cloud the political conversation.

After having looked into the narrative I find that there have been some vehicle accidents, there were some geese pond incidents, neither however in the dire numbers we were told about coming from Trump campaign.

They were suckered and have earned the jokes and memes they are now getting.

Now perhaps at a later time I will be able to corral the raw information of two very important stories or issues taking place in Springfield, that is not getting coverage from the major media.

I think these two stories reflect a much bigger and more important situation going on with the broader immigration narrative and goes way beyond Springfield and the haitians.

Springfield exposes a foundation of big commerce working against the good will of the American citizens and legal immigrants who followed the proper protocols for access and citizenship.

The industrial commerce labor complex is in play, and it is well developed in Springfield. An this template will at some point be played out in small and mid size towns throughout the nation.

Springfield is like an observation room where all the good and bad of our immigration policy and our population concerns can be studied in a controled microcosm.

I would like to study the Springfield situation in greater detail, if I could find the time and resources.

Two things are in play here:
1) Labor force and business influences
2) Population reconstitution crisis

Slowdown friends, Springfield is more important than it appears.

CITIZENS: Live Free, Stay Free.

Babies were surviving abortion attempts and being born outside the womb. Doctors simply set the child aside and allowed ...

Babies were surviving abortion attempts and being born outside the womb. Doctors simply set the child aside and allowed them to die, if the mother did not want them saved.

So a bill was authored

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act is a proposed United States law that would penalize healthcare practitioners who fail to provide care for an infant that is born-alive from an abortion attempt. It was introduced in the 114th, 115th, 116th, 117th, and 118th Congresses.

THE WEEK 24 PLUS ABORTION: LETS TALK ABOUT ITThere is a spiritual and physical struggle going on within the American cul...


There is a spiritual and physical struggle going on within the American culture.

A conflict of emotion and reason that pit good people against good people.

It also allows the hand of sinister beings outlined and clearly identified in Ephesians 6:12, to operate and attack the human being at their most vulnerable stage. That vulnerability is the womb of the mother.

Two cases stand as the pivotal landmarks of the abortion ecosystem.
1) Roe vs wade
2) Doe vs Bolton
and both are the vocal points of future disputes.

My argument here in this post is to express just how human a six month old fetus is in the womb of his/her mother.

My additional argument is to express what the abortion weeks limits are by state.

While a small diehard group of pro abortionist desire to have abortion up to the ninth month, the bigger issue is that the fetus can survive out of the womb beyond the sixth month.

Some states that allow abortions after 24 weeks also have policies where by if a woman desiring an abortion, has a premature birth, it is legal to allow that child to die outside the womb without assistance.

So for the record let us remember what a week 24 fetus is:


By the end of the sixth month, the baby is about 12 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds. their skin is reddish in color, wrinkled, and veins are visible through the baby's translucent skin. Baby's finger and toe prints are visible. The eyelids begin to part and the eyes open.

The baby may respond to sounds by moving or increasing the pulse, and the mother may notice jerking motions if baby hiccups.

If born prematurely, the baby may survive after the 23rd week of pregnancy with intensive care.

The threshold is 23 weeks, every week after the baby in the womb becomes more and viable and survivable.

Ephesians 6:12, please understand this.

CITIZENS, live free, stay free

THE NUCLEAR TRIGGER: LETS TALK ABOUT ITIn the event of a nuclear first strike upon America, the president of the United ...

In the event of a nuclear first strike upon America, the president of the United States has the sole power to respond.

Are you surprised by that? Furthermore, the president only has seven minutes in which to make that decision.

Seven minutes to weigh the world in the balances and return fire to the enemy which would destroy the world.

If the president does not respond, then that eliminates the threat of " mutually assured destruction", thus such a war becomes winnable.

Once upon a time just after World War two, the military leaders and politicians briefly held the notion, that the world could wage nuclear war and there could be a winner.

All the tactics were designed towards this assumption.

By the time the super powers had developed the thermal nuclear bomb, no person in leadership believed that nuclear war was winnable.

The strategy shifted towards, early detection and " Mutually Assured Destruction", the philosophy goes like this, " I will not attack you, but if you attack me I make sure no nation on earth survives to profit, or take control".

Without the bomb the world would by now most certainly have entered a third world war, that would have equally destroyed the world, only slower.

I firmly believe that God is in control, and that man can not totally annihilate himself or the world. Man has however shown the ability to cause unimaginable destruction short of the ability to totally destroy himself. Example WW1, WW2 , the infamous Genocides of history etc.

What has kept us from nuclear annihilation is three fundamental beliefs by every world leader.

1) A first strike will always be detected in time to respond in mass.

2) That the leader attacked will absolutely respond in mass.

3) No leader who loves his people and humanity will be the cause of a first strike.

So we should always be ever so mindful and consider two things on deciding on a Commander In Chief:

1) Will that person have the will and fortitude to respond in seven minutes.

2) Will the leader of the other nation believe, that our leader has the Will and fortitude to respond in seven minutes.

We all have a roll to play, we all have but one important vote to pledge.

CITIZENS Live free, stay free.

CITIZENS OF CHICAGO THE CITY NEEDS YOUR MONEYChicago is a sanctuary city. After years of hearing sanctuary cities such a...


Chicago is a sanctuary city.

After years of hearing sanctuary cities such as Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles telling them to shut up and deal with illegally immigrants ,border cities and states came up with a novel and logical solution.

Which was and is to send illegal immigrants from their jurisdictions to active sanctuary cities and states.

Chicago is right now in the grips of the reality of illegal immigration and the ecosystem required to maintain it.

Of course they can't maintain it, and are now in deficit and looking to cut services to its legal citizens in order to provide for its illegal non citizens.

The city has survived thus far from the provision of external funds from the FEDS, but now those resources are becoming strained.

Chicago city leaders are even strongly considering raising property taxes, on its citizen property owners, to keep the sanctuary city dream alive.

The madness of social Progressives, is not madness at all but a calculating plan divised over a hundred years ago as part of an on going battle to bring down the apex nation and strongest representative republic the world has ever seen, The United States of America.

The world globalist and oligarchs understand very well that if you can radically deconstruct the American republic, and divest to a simple democracy then the dominoes will fall.

What are these dominoes?
1) No more freedom and unrestrained ability to practice and spread the gospel of Jesus

2) No more freedom of speech

3) No more rights of personal property

4) No more right to personal defense

5) The crossing philosophy that the state is to serve the people to the social communist illusion that the people are meant to be the servants of the state. Or st least the servants of the ruling class who run the state.

There are more dominoes to mention but I will stop here, any reasonable person can connect the dots and figure out the end game, the final solution.

Big things are only little things massed together, in complex form.

We have been warned....

Citizens, live free and stay free.

THIRD RAIL COMMENTARY SAYS:Live Free, Stay Free CitizensHistory gives us the answers to the test, and great nations stil...

Live Free, Stay Free Citizens
History gives us the answers to the test, and great nations still fail the final exams.

IN CALIFORNIA CITIZENSHIP MEANS NOTHING, BILL PROPOSAL PROVES IT:Friends as I have often stated California legislation i...


Friends as I have often stated California legislation is the testing grounds of America.

Insane legislation can be proposed and approved in California and then the puppet masters can sit back and gage the response of the rest of America concerning these laws.

National disapproval suggests to the social Progressives that the time is not right. National approval or worst, National ignorance can lead to similar proposals being migrated to other progressive jurisdictions around the nation.

As of right now California Governor Gavin Newsome has not signed the bill, but he has the support and urging of D.C. heavy players such as Nancy Pelosi, to do so.

Federal law prohibits such actions at the national level, thus tactics like this must be won at the state and municipal levels, one jurisdiction at a time.

Awareness is a strong element in the resistance against the social Progressives socialist agenda to bulkinize, divide and destabilize the American Republic in exchange for a new fundamental changed socialist American oligarchy system, meant to drive us head first into a global world system.

Don't believe me take a look at the World Economic Forum and U.N. AGENDA 2030.

So what is Assembly bill 1840?

Assembly bill 1840 would expand eligibility of the California Dream for All program, to be renamed under the bill to the Home Purchase Assistance Program, and remove any disqualifications based on an applicants immigration status. If approved, illegal immigrants can enter the lottery system under the program that gives 20% in down payment assistance up to $150,000

Pay attention citizens this is how social communism starts.

Citizens Live free and stay free

THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC: LETS TALK ABOUT IT.The United States of America is not a European democracy as many social Progre...


The United States of America is not a European democracy as many social Progressives would like us to be, and as they attempt to make us believe that we are.

At the founding of this nation, once it broke away from the constraints of a king, formed what for its time was a revolutionary new form of government. A bold concept that struck fear in the hearts of every king, queen and monarch system on every continent.

For the first time in any meaningful scale a government was formed where in principle and legality the people were the rulers, and the leadership the servant.

While the ink was still wet on this document, human and spiritual beings both sought to reel back this bold new experiment of the human condition. An to this day the struggle rages on.

Satan needs a democracy, as in European democracy, in order to more smoothly progress towards the one world religion and government foretold in the text of the book of Revelation.

While the democracies of world history fell victim to varying forms of socialism and social Progressive idealogy, the enduring wisdom of our true representative republic has stood the test of time.

This Republic has witnessed the least amount of revolutions 0; the least amount of civil war 1; and the least amount of full constitutional rewrites 0.

World globalist hate the American republic because it's very design ensures that the will of the mob will not dominate the totality of its people. It ensures that subversion in order to fully succeed must take over fifty states as well as the three bodies of the federal government all at once.

In this democracy fairtale, America in the form of a true democracy would have the huge population states like California and New York would dominate all aspects of governance and culture.

Here individual states and municipalities would be unimportant. All laws and regulations would be top down, and one size fits all.

Southern California and New York city values would dominate, small state populations like west Virginia and mid western states, while at the same eroding those jurisdictions native sentiments.

Social Progressives, globalist, the oligarchy class and the critical theorist social communist that binds them together, would love to see the American Republic become another behemoth true democracy.

Regardless of your political party affiliation, the one thing we must all strive for is to be United in maintaining the republic and abiding in the constitution and its amendability.

The power of the republic is its ability to ward off and defend against communism, monarchs, dictators, and the mob rule.

This has always been the weakness of the pure democracy.

Only the most high God can maintain a moral people; only a collective moral people can maintain the constitution; only the constitution can maintain the republic; and only representive republics can maintain grassroots freedom and fully indivual liberties.

Prophecy reveals that at some point this formidable republic will fall giving way to a coalition of nations yielding to the authority of a single expansive leadership.

That as of now is the future, how much in the future is unknown, but in the future nonetheless.

Believers of the Bible know that we can not stop the reality of biblical end times prophecy, but I have a gut feeling that it delights God in our spirit lead attempts to try and resist the works of Satan and the carnal flesh of man.

Live free And Stay Free Citizens

ABORTION AND CHRISTIANITY? LETS TALK ABOUT ITI know this post is long, but I do so because Christians seem to be my bigg...

I know this post is long, but I do so because Christians seem to be my biggest push back on abortion issues.

This post comes from a conversation I had with a number of dear believers whom I love an respect.

So there is no shade being cast at all, but we as a body of Jesus Christ need to uniformly address this as the apostles creed did for our structural doctrine.

My personal view if not for the biblical standard would be, " hey women do what you want, who cares."

However, the Christian/ biblical worldview is clear and does not afford me to have a personal opinion in this regard. For me to hold my personal opinion above the stance of the word of God, makes me against that word.

Every deed good or bad is ultimately between that person and God.

Yet God has an expectation of Christians to speak against all the systems of Satan and the industries of sin, regardless of that sin or the virtue the world may apply to that particular sin.

No where does God command us as Christians to attack the people in sin.

The expectation that Christians and other caring people should not speak against the institution of abortion or the abortion industrial complex is incomprehensible.

Individual persons circumstances as you say is a matter between them and God, all people in that regard should mind their business and leave these women alone. I agree with you.

But the institution of abortion is a work of the devil and a matter of concern for the body of christ.

Here is a challenge for you, search the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, and make a note of every verse that directly or indirectly allows or advocates for abortion, and those verses against it.

Understand that the biblical equivalent of symbolic abortion would be the systematic killing of young infants in mass of one's own population.

Such as in the case of child sacrifices to the gods of Moloch and astoreth in Canaan, which was one of four pillar reasons, that the canaanites were supposed to have been utterly wiped out by the Hebrews.

Canaan people were yielded over fully to Satan as man knd was prior to the flood, and as we see in scripture there presence was detrimental to Jewish history and fidelity to the living God.

Infants killed as a consequence or spoil of war biblically and historically have not been regarded as abortion.

I have actually done small research, and reviewed much deeper indepth biblical research, on this topic from numerous points of view, and I find that from beginning to end of the Bible God appears to punish nations for this sin, surpassed only by his judgment upon nations involved in idolatry, and sexual perversion.

God is even slower to judgment on nations that commit great murder, than he is concerning the three sins previously mentioned above.

As to your point on adoption availability. The number of couples waiting to adopt in the U.S. at any given time is around one to two million people.

More than 50,000 children are adopted through foster care every year.

The number of available newborns available at any given time is around 200,000.

Mathematical as you can see there is a disconnect and a reasonable and favorable cover, towards the child.

Many organizations have been established that seek to help women who decide not to abort their child.

They provide varying programs from child health care, to supplying products, to continued education programs with day care funding.

They even provide more rapid private match making organizations to join pregnant women with people seeking adoption, and so many more programs and efforts.

The issue is pro abortion advocates have made it difficult to and in some cases illegal to reach out to women considering abortions, an present to them the multitude of viable options available.

The adoption/foster care system is tough and it needs to be, they do fine work, so I don’t argue against them. The system is slow and grueling, but it kind of has to be I guess.

The point is there is more people seeking to adopt new borns than there are new borns.

The foster care system gives high priority to reunification with birth parents over adoption). As well as relatives.

The adoption process for Adoptive Parents is tough because adoption agencies, professionals, states and countries want to ensure that the child is going to a safe place.

The child's safety and wellbeing are of the utmost importance, making the extra requirements incredibly necessary.

I mention black Americans because we are the most adversely affected. The indigenous black American (decendants of the North American slave industry), population is being greatly reduced. Along with our voting power and influence.

Will it be at some point that the influx of African migration and their cultural and historic differences will out weigh our histrionic experiences in regards to census issues.

Latino, asian, and east Indian migration also have the potential to displace us as the apex minority.

Finally, many Christians are willing to agree on terms of r**e and in**st, because we know that these numbers statistically are extremely low demographically. An we get it.

The saving of the mother's life issue has traditionally never been regarded as an abortion, until only recently, and should rightly not be added into the numbers.

Many pro-lifers would be in favor of the next day contraception pill except it is not next day, but much later in the conception cycle.

I believe egg destruction for r**e victims is viable, except again many women wait to long, well beyond the time acceptable time prolife advocates are willing to Agee upon.

I hope first that I in no way have offended or disrespected you, and secondly that I have made some small sense and shown a more clear perspective on how I see this convoluted argument.

Most Christian pro abortion advocates I find argue from an emotional or secular world view, and are void of a biblical world view, or make the biblical view secondary.

I can understand the unsaved point of view, as the Bible clearly says they are under the rule of Satan's world system.

It is Christians who profess the Bible as their governing authority, that confuses me.

Meditate and discern
Peace to you and God bless
Luv Ya All
😘 🙂🥰

DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK Rhetoric! These two men are not even close.If you have even a margin of historical acumen, then you...

Rhetoric! These two men are not even close.
If you have even a margin of historical acumen, then you get the lie!

Blacks who think Trump is racist need to talk to Jesse Jackson, talk to the black organizers that he helped. Saying Trump is Hi**er is like saying Hi**er really wanted to help the Jewish people.

Absolutely insane.

Do a real biography study on both men and the propaganda becomes glaringly clear.

This hold thing is about the maintaining of power, money and the global utopian dream of social Progressives that are within both parties.

Trump is no saint, he is no savior, he is just another citizen with an idealogical concept for the sovereignty of America.

If you worship this man you are on the wrong road, if you ignore his human frailties you are being foolish.

If you trust him blindly you are conducting a dereliction of you civic duty.

We are electing a president not a pastor, a mortal man, not a demigod.

Stay focused: support, trust but verify.

Live free, stay free citizens

THE NEWS SAID WHATI watch the Corp news heads political talk, and I am like ""What".Friends their misinformation are so ...

I watch the Corp news heads political talk, and I am like ""What".

Friends their misinformation are so shallow you can literally fact check them in no time at all.

I watch people share, posts from these media guys and I am like.... really.... did you just look at the headline an say "yep, I agree", just wow.

The great attribute of the Bereans was that they proved their faith, and fact checked what was preached to them.

This is a good principle for Christians in their walk in the faith.

It is also an awesome principle for everyone Christian or not, to live by when being ministered to by the corporate news media and journalists.

ACTS 17:11
Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.


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