Lyza Ann Webster

Lyza Ann Webster Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Lyza Ann Webster, Digital creator, Jackson, MI.


It’s funny how people think that being a stay at home mom who runs a business means that I’m stuck home inside all day, when in reality…. every day we have freedom and literally endless possibilities of what we could do.

Just a month ago my family planned a road trip to go visit my sister (10 hours to get there & I love a good road-trip!) 🛣️ but I thought I wasn’t gonna be able to go. I was so used to the limitations of always being held down by a job.

The night before leaving, I had a little aha moment and reminded myself that I’m not tied down and I can pick up my business and take it with me + I can rearrange it to fit my schedule.

…Literally had to remind myself I’m my own boss over here 😅

I decided the actual night before that we were gonna join in on the road trip & got right to packing. The next morning we were off. 🚙☀️

That spontaneous decision would’ve been impossible if my business wasn’t something I could easily take with me and adjust to my schedule. But because of the flexibility I got to make unforgettable memories watching my daughter play and just be her silly self with her cousin. 🤪

It might seem to some people like I’m stuck at home all day working because I “work from home” and I’m a stay at home mom but the truth is my days are packed with adventures and moments that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Family, freedom, and helping others find the same balance is why I’m so passionate about what I do! ❣️

Being determined to reach your goals is crucial to achieving them.When you’re determined, anything life throws your way ...

Being determined to reach your goals is crucial to achieving them.

When you’re determined, anything life throws your way as a block, challenge or obstacle you WILL overcome.

When you are determined to reach your goals, you will keep moving in the direction of them every single day because you know your goals are bigger and more exciting than being scared of what you have to do to get to them.

If you have determination and believe in yourself that you will get there, then you can achieve anything that you set your mind to 🧠🤩

Remember! It's our reactions and attitudes that truly shape our experiences.What happened to Oaklyn and me just earlier ...

Remember! It's our reactions and attitudes that truly shape our experiences.

What happened to Oaklyn and me just earlier today ⬇️

We got absolutely POURED ON 🌧️ but honestly, it was an absolute blast! 😄

Oaklyn and I went on a walk with a goal of 1 hour.

Picture this: It’s a warm sunny summer day☀️ I checked the weather and it promised no rain.

Perfect, right?

Well, life had other plans. It POURED down on us!💦

After 35 minutes, out of nowhere, rain started pouring but the sky stayed bright☀️

We were under a tree hanging over the sidewalk when a memory popped into my head🌳💭

It was a time when I was young at my cousins house and we were inside when it started to rain. We decided to make the most of it and go out in it to run around the block and have a blast. I remember it felt so fun and freeing!

I checked under the stroller shade at Oaklyn. She was dancing.

DANCING in the rain! 💃🌧️

I asked if she was ready to go. She said goooo!😄

So we went running down the sidewalk🏃‍♀️

The looks we got from passing drivers were priceless😂 Some thought we were crazy, smiling and running in the rain. Others might've laughed & there were those who probably felt sorry for us.

But you know what? We were absolutely fine, completely safe, and having fun!

After just a minute or so of running, the rain began to let up, and the sky brightened even more 🌤️

We got to our street and the rain stopped!

It was sunnier than when we'd left so we kept going working toward our goal of 1 hour. We were already wet, and the rain had stopped so why not?!

When we got home, I lifted Oaklyn out of her stroller. Surprisingly, only her feet were wet.

We've been on many many walks together, but this one was the first of its kind 🩷

➡️✨This simple moment shows that whatever life throws at you, you can change by how you react to it. I could have been upset about the rain, mad about getting soaked, or embarrassed that I was out running in it. But instead, I chose joy, positivity, and fun!✨⬅️

We were safe, we were fine, and I wouldn't have been out there if it wasn't okay.

Rain is just water, and sometimes, getting a little wet can lead to unforgettable moments🩷🌦️

Bonus reason! ⬇️👀 They are naturally curious and don’t wanna miss out! They might wanna hang out and be apart of whateve...

Bonus reason! ⬇️

👀 They are naturally curious and don’t wanna miss out!

They might wanna hang out and be apart of whatever is going on and see what everyone is doing.

🕠 Nap time could be too close to bed time.

Aware of my daughters wake windows, I slowly started my daughters nap slightly earlier and earlier not long ago and it has made a huge difference with her sleep at night!

🥱Over-excited or over-tired

- Over excited can be possible from ingredients in foods consumed throughout the day, or if screen time is close to bed time. Ideally it’s best to have no screen time at least 2 hours before bed. The slightly sciencey explanation behind this is that the blue light from screens keep a part of your brain running even after you’ve gone to sleep. So even if you’re sleeping, that part of your brain is still on and running. If your child wakes up in the middle of the night this could also be a reason why!

But of course, no one is perfect! So of course, No Judgement! There’s still many times over here where the screen has been on during long days stretching close to bedtime.

- When they are over tired that can make it harder to sleep.

Recognizing their sleep cues is a great tell that their bedtime should be coming up!


Teething, growing pain, being hot or cold…

- Communication can be tricky at this stage to figure out if one of these could be the reason checking for signs and recognizing what your child might do for each of these possibilities is the key 🗝️

🌖Their bedtime routine may need an adjustment

- There are so many different combinations of things that can be apart of bed time routines, so if you aren’t happy with the bedtime routine you have been doing lately you’ll only know what you like and what works best by slowly trying out different things!

Finding time for yourself after becoming a mom can be so hard! Here's some tips to help you get more time to yourself an...

Finding time for yourself after becoming a mom can be so hard!

Here's some tips to help you get more time to yourself and save your sanity ✨

☀️Tip #1 Wake up earlier!

Now, I'm NOT saying wake up HOURS earlier but start setting your alarm earlier by even 1-5 minutes and going from there is a great start to making more time for yourself before your children are up for the day.

🧖‍♀️ Tip #2 Start prioritizing making time for yourself!

Put self care at the top of your list!

It might seem weird or feel off at first but it gets easier and easier the more you do it!

🛌Tip #3 Put your kids to bed early!

The time after they go to bed is all yours!

Even if you work towards putting them to sleep a half hour earlier that's a whole half hour more for you!

⏰ Tip #4 Make a new schedule

We all have our routines that we default to but changing it up and trying something new could be the change that you need!

The best part is that if you don't like your new schedule, you can always change it until you find what works for you!

🤝 Tip #5️⃣ Ask for help!

Asking for help or even just support from a friend or family member can help tremendously!

You shouldn’t ever feel bad or guilty about asking for help. Everyone needs help and support.

Who knows! You might find a friend or family member that’s willing to come hangout even once a week so you can do what you want or catch up on house work so you have more time for YOU later! 🧘‍♀️

Remember, you ARE a great mama! When you take time for yourself, you're recharging to continue being the super mom that you are!

Share this with a Super Mama you know 💕

P.s. 👀 if you’re looking for a new morning routine that will make you feel incredible comment “morning routine” and I’ll send you an AMAZING morning routine! 🌅😁

There’s so much more that stay at Home’s mom do every day.But even if days go by, where all you did was hold your baby a...

There’s so much more that stay at Home’s mom do every day.

But even if days go by, where all you did was hold your baby and keep them safe, then that’s a day we’ll spent🩷

Husband appreciation post!♥️ Haden comes home on his lunch break every single day to come see Oaklyn and me.♥️ Every nig...

Husband appreciation post!

♥️ Haden comes home on his lunch break every single day to come see Oaklyn and me.

♥️ Every night he makes Oaklyn and me a great dinner! Even when he’s tired or gets out of work late.

♥️ When dinner is ready, he puts Oaklyn in her highchair and brings me food first so I have the most time to sit down relax and eat. Then he brings Oaklyn food and sits next to me so we can all eat together. 💓🍽️

Later in the night, he gets Oaklyn ready for bed while I do my nighttime routine. 🌚

♥️ He’s the most patient and supportive person I’ve ever met!

♥️ When I wanted to invest in myself and in our future as a family and start my online business he was nothing but supportive! 🥹

♥️ No matter what I wanna do he is always backing me up!🫂

♥️ We get to talk about our future together and our dreams all the time! 💭

✨ I’m so grateful that I get to walk through life with him by my side! 👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻💕

What happens when you start your own automated online business?? Well… lots of things! Just keep reading👀🌟 You get this ...

What happens when you start your own automated online business?? Well… lots of things! Just keep reading👀

🌟 You get this unmatched excitement and motivation to get going and make your dream life happen because you know it can and will happen!

🌟You start a personal growth and learning journey that you didn’t know you needed!

To do things you’ve never done and accomplish things you’ve never accomplished you need to get your mindset ready for all the good that’s about to come your way! 🧠🙌

You gotta turn into that person that’s ready to receive abundance before it’s here! ✨

🗝️KEY: “Feel like whatever it is that you want will happen or already has, then watch it happen!”

I love to say “Feel and think like a successful entrepreneur and then you’ll become one.”

🌟You truly are investing into yourself and setting yourself up the best way possible for success!

Through the personal growth and all that you learn, you won’t be the same person you were when you started. You’ll be even more excited, experienced and ready for the good to come! 🤩

🌟 You gain freedom and flexibility!

The freedom here is unmatched! When you pair online automation with high ticket sales it allows you to live in ultimate freedom!

+ to add in some pointed out freedom…You are your own boss here so you get to build your business exactly how you want it! (I just provide all the help and resources you’ll need along the way!) You get to decide whenever you wanna work, for how long, and where you work from!

(Seriously! Today I worked on my phone while I sat outside in the sun and watched my daughter play in her pool!)📲☀️

There are so many other great things that come with starting your own automated online business. These things are just the start!🤯

👍🩷 Like this post if any of this sounds great to you! 🩷👍

If anything I listed does sounds great to you and you’re interested in starting your own automated online business click the link in my bio and take a minute to fill out my quick application!
➡️ ⬅️

Yesterdays sunset out at the Lake was beautiful 🌅

Yesterdays sunset out at the Lake was beautiful 🌅

We spend countless hours teaching knowledge and wisdom to our children and helping guide them through life. But have you...

We spend countless hours teaching knowledge and wisdom to our children and helping guide them through life. But have you ever stopped to consider the lessons they can teach us?🤔

Somewhere along the line we loose that magic and wonder that comes with being a kid.

The curiosity and spark that makes us excited about everything and unopoligetically happy.

The great news is that we can learn from them and get it back!

Our world (especially as parents) seems very busy and complicated a lot of the time but if you take a minute to watch your children, you’ll notice how magical everything is! ✨

They approach life with pure joy, wonder, enthusiasm and unwavering positivity!

Every time I see my daughter get lost in a world of imagination, it reminds me to slow down and to see the magic that surrounds us. To find joy in the smallest things!

Their unwavering belief in possibilities encourages me to dream bigger, to adventure, and to never lose sight of the incredible potential within me 🌈💭⁣⁣

Let’s learn from these little teachers, as they remind us of the power of curiosity, the beauty of simplicity, and the boundless capacity for love and kindness.

They remind us to nurture our inner child, to embrace life with open arms, and to cultivate a spirit of gratitude for the extraordinary gift that is life itself.🌟🌱⁣⁣

So next time you’re caught up in the busyness of life take a moment, and go have fun with your children but watch them. Notice how they react to the world around them. ☀️

Let their optimism guide you to a world filled with wonder, joy, and pure excitement! 😄

See and appreciate the beauty that this world holds and approach each day with the same excitement and positivity that our little ones radiate effortlessly!

Let's embrace the magic of life. 💖✨⁣⁣

Want to get that amazing feeling of curiosity and wonder back that you had as a kid? Pt. 2 of… How to get the color and ...

Want to get that amazing feeling of curiosity and wonder back that you had as a kid?

Pt. 2 of… How to get the color and happiness and excitement back into all aspects of your life!

- (Two days ago on April 27th I posted about the first resource that I used to get back that amazing feeling of the excitement of every day. To see what that was go and look at the caption of the post of my daughter on the playground!) -

2️⃣ The second resource that I used to get the magic back into every day of my life is the podcast "Your Wish is Your Command".

You’ve gotta listen to this podcast!

Not just the first episode, not just the first three or five episodes, but ALL of it!

I won’t say too much about this podcast because it speaks for itself with value and results.

But I will say…

⭐️ This podcast truly is gold! ⭐️

It is on Spotify and also on YouTube for you to listen to for free!!

The information given in this podcast is unmatched!

All I can tell you is to not give up on it. Keep listening!

I listened to the first few episodes and stopped for a couple months because I got bored at first.

I decided to give it another chance and it turned into the best podcast and best resource to use and listen to 24/7.

💎This podcast literally holds the secret to success and having the life you want and dream about.

So, Do. Not. Give. up. On. It!

From my personal experience, after listening to this podcast and implementing things he talks about into my life, I saw results so fast and things I dreamed about started happen so fast!

If you are seriously wanting to make your dream life your reality then you’ll listen to this whole podcast. Not even just once, but over and over again!

If you have trouble trying to find a good time to listen to it, put it in the background while you’re in the car, doing the dishes, taking a shower, getting ready for the day or just any time at all!

I’ll link the podcast on my Instagram story but I will also send it over to anyone who wants it! Just send me a message😊

Do you remember the feeling you had as a child, that anything felt possible? That sense of magic and wonder?🌳☀️Once you ...

Do you remember the feeling you had as a child, that anything felt possible? That sense of magic and wonder?🌳☀️

Once you set your mind to something, you would find a way to do it no matter what!

You used your imagination all the time and it made everything in the world new, fun and exiting!

It's easy to lose that feeling as we get older, but the good news is that you can find it again!😃

It all starts with your mindset and how you perceive the world around you 🌎✨

The key is to tap into your imagination and approach life with the same excitement you had as a kid! - it sounds easy but can be harder than we think.

But yes, it is possible!

I know this first hand because I was able to do this and I have seen this happen for so many others too!

No matter where you are at in your life, what you have gone through or your age, it is possible!

There are two resources that I used to achieve this amazing feeling every day!
(Plus also one really cool thing I do that makes the fun excitement even stronger!)

1️⃣ The first one is the book "The Magic"

This book is seriously life changing!

But… if you read the book and don’t do what it says to do then nothing will change.

✨Remember “If you want something to change, you have to change something.”✨

➡️ I have a link with a free copy of it that you can use to read it! Just comment on this post or send me a message saying you want it and I’ll send it over to you!

I’ll share the second resource that I use in two days! (So on Saturday, April 29th!)

I can’t wait to hear how this book changes your life!

And if you’ve already read it I would love to hear how it’s helped you along your journey!

One thing I know now about being a mom that I wish I knew sooner:“It’s important to acknowledge and except imperfection....

One thing I know now about being a mom that I wish I knew sooner:

“It’s important to acknowledge and except imperfection.”

I knew I always wanted to be a mom and was excited for the day that I would become one.

I would picture myself holding my future child, caring for them, playing with them, snuggling them and so much more.

I would picture it so often, but things like how messy my house would be wasn’t in the picture (until I actually became a mom).

Although I never dreamed it, I’ve never been so happy my house is a mess.

I do my best every day to keep up with the mess but it’s more important for me to be present and enjoy moments over constantly cleaning messes over and over again.

(Now for some moms, they have to keep their house clean because that’s what keeps them happy.

Having a mess can for sure be overwhelming! So if you’re a mom that always has a clean house, you are amazing! And I don’t know how you do it!)

For me, my house is a mess because I am a present mom making it a mess with her.

So if you see my house messy in the background of pictures that’s okay because that means fun was had and I was as present as I could be with the time I have with my daughter ♡

This is why it’s so important to acknowledge and accept imperfection.

Parenthood is a messy, beautiful journey, and it's the imperfections that make it unique and special!

Imagine having the opportunity to make an unlimited income, with the freedom to work from anywhere and explore the world...

Imagine having the opportunity to make an unlimited income, with the freedom to work from anywhere and explore the world, all while pursuing your passions for a living.

Wouldn't achieving financial independence, flexibility, and the ability to pursue your dreams be absolutely fulfilling?

Great news! You don't have to just imagine it.

With the right tools and guidance, you can make it a reality, and that’s just what I can provide to you!

I am dedicated to helping people achieve their full potential by assisting them in establishing successful online careers!

I can provide access to top-notch training that has already helped countless ambitious individuals in launching and expanding their own online businesses!

For example:
g.cook -

“After graduating from college, I found myself in a job selling tickets outside a grocery store and handing out alcohol samples at liquor stores.

It wasn't what I envisioned for my future, but I kept pushing forward and landed a corporate
9-5 job.

But after 5.5 years of job hopping, I still felt unfulfilled and lost.

Then 4 years ago I found an opportunity to start an online business.

I had no experience, I didn't know where to start but I saw what was possible.

I knew that this would be a way for me to find balance, purpose & create financial freedom.

I went from starting my online business living in a basement studio apartment to now living by the beach as a present stay at home mom providing for my family.

I am so grateful for this amazing business and saying yes to taking control of my life & future.”


Are you ready to bring your dream life into reality with starting your own online business?

Yes!? Then go hit the link in my bio.

The link takes you my free, short web-class video that answers any questions you might have about this opportunity.

It also shows the next steps to getting started!

Go check it out!

I’m excited to hear what you think of it😊

Some highlights from our fun Easter Day😊🌸

Some highlights from our fun Easter Day😊🌸


Jackson, MI


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