Imagine I offered you $100,000—would you take it? Of course you would. Now, what if I buried that $100,000 in a pile of crap 💩. You can still have it if you dig it out? Would you still do it? Most likely, yes, because that $100,000 has value to you.
Now consider truth. Does it hold value for you? If it does, you might find that uncovering it requires a similar effort—sometimes you have to dig through unpleasant, messy situations to get to it.
But here’s the catch: there are times when you dig through all that crap and don’t find the actual truth. Instead, you end up with dirty hands and the realize what you thought was true is actually a lie.
Disappointing? Sure. But there’s still value in it. Discovering that a supposed truth is false dispels an illusion, freeing you from being misled.
Why that matters: you can’t begin a genuine search for truth if you’re clinging to a lie. So, whether you uncover the truth or a lie, the effort is worthwhile—much like digging for that $100,000.