Today is Election Day!!!
TODAY IS ELECTION DAY: In case you missed it, here are the Irvine City News's 2024 Election Endorsements:
ICN staff have reviewed the candidates' positions, attended and watched numerous forums, and reviewed years of voting or participation records and make the following endorsements for the 2024 election:
Tammy Kim's numerous ethical lapses plus killing the USA Water Polo Training Center and Five Point Amphitheatre disqualify her from consideration. Agran has his issues, but at this inflection point in the future of Irvine, Kim is too unstable.
District 1: JOHN PARK
There are several good candidates in this District and Michelle Johnson is a close second choice, but John Park has been working at this for three prior elections and has shown a motivation that cannot be discounted.
In a high stakes race that will decide much of the future of the Great Park, there is a clear standout. Yazdani has been a voice for the residents of District 2 for years and organized the protest against the County creating a homeless shelter at the Great Park.
District 3: JAMES MAI
Mai is a clear standout in this field due to his long involvement in the City. The other candidates have not shown a track record on Irvine issues.
District 4: MIKE CARROLL
Irvine City News would endorse Carroll regardless of who is opponent is because his contribution to the City of Irvine has been impressive, but in this race, there is no question given the fact that his opponent, Ayn Craciun is deeply flawed. From her conflict on interest while serving on a City Commission to her misguided attempts to remove plastic and gas from the City, Craciun is deeply out of touch with the reality of running a City, making Carroll a clear choice for Irvine.
47th Congressional District: SCOTT BAUGH
Much like the 4th District, ICN would likely endorse Scott Baugh based on his track record of bi-partisan success in the California Assembly. But comparing him to Dave Min
2024 Election Endorsements:
The Staff of Irvine City News have reviewed the candidates' positions, attended and watched numerous forums, and reviewed years of voting or participation records and make the following endorsements for the 2024 election:
MAYOR: Larry Agran
Tammy Kim's numerous ethical lapses plus killing the USA Water Polo Training Center and Five Point Amphitheatre disqualify her from consideration. Agran has his issues, but at this inflection point in the future of Irvine, Kim is too unstable. Larry Agran for Irvine Mayor
DISTRICT 1: John Park
There are several good candidates in this District and Michelle Johnson is a close second choice, but John Park has been working at this for three prior elections and has shown a motivation that cannot be discounted. John Park For Irvine
DISTRICT 2: Parrisa Yazdani
In a high stakes race that will decide much of the future of the Great Park, there is a clear standout. Yazdani has been a voice for the residents of District 2 for years and organized the protest against the County creating a homeless shelter at the Great Park. Parrisa Yazdani for Irvine City Council 2024
DISTRICT 3: James Mai
Mai is a clear standout in this field due to his long involvement in the City. The other candidates have not shown a track record on Irvine issues. James Mai for Irvine City Council
DISTRICT 4: Mike Carroll
Irvine City News would endorse Carroll regardless of who is opponent is because his contribution to the City of Irvine has been impressive, but in this race, there is no question given the fact that his opponent, Ayn Craciun is deeply flawed. From her conflict on interest while serving on a City Commission to her misguided attempts to remove plastic and gas from the City, Craciun is deeply out of touch with the reality of running a City, making Carroll a clear choice for Irvine. Mike Carroll
Much like the 4th District, ICN would likely endorse Scott Baugh based on his track reco