The Tidal Pages Bookshop top five sellers from this super busy holiday weekend!
1. We Celebrate the Light by @heidieys and @jyolen
2. The God of the Woods by @lizmoorebooks
3. Christmas at Hogwarts
4. Wicked, The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by @gregorymaguire
5. The Backyard Bird Chronicles by @amytanwriter
A little something for everybody, wouldn’t you say?
🌊 Tidal Pages Top 5 🌊
It was a big week in the kids section! For the first time since we opened, a kids title is at the top of our list of bestsellers. Lots of Ipswich kiddos are real HOT MESSES!
Our bestsellers this week:
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Hot Mess @diaryofawimpykid
The Backyard Bird Chronicles by @amytanwriter
Be Ready When the Luck Happens by @inagarten
God of the Woods by @lizmoorebooks
What to Cook When You Don’t Feel Like Cooking by @carochambers
This week we celebrated Ipswich Downtown Trick-or-Treat, had visitors from all over the country, totally shook up our list of bestsellers, had one of our top three selling days of all time, and saw lots of smiling faces! Thank you, Ipswich, for your support! All of you are just so nice. 😊
Tidal Pages Bookshop coming soon 🌊
ICYMI… I’m opening a bookshop in our little town! And WOW! I have been blown away by the response. Thank you for all of the positive vibes and well wishes. It truly means so much. I have so much to learn, but my family, friends and neighbors could not be more amazing as I take this gigantic leap. Tidal Pages (pun intended) will be open in Ipswich, MA from September to December in a temp space, at which time I’ll be on the hunt for a permanent location OR I’ll say, that was fun and now I’m done! Would love for you follow here and on Instagram! But I have to know, what are some special things that you’ve loved about a certain bookshop? What makes a bookshop a place you want to visit again and again? I’m all ears!