A dedicated team helping families with the paranormal. Searching abandoned places in hopes of finding lost souls. Seek& Find the Truth!!! Mission:
To prove or disprove claims of hauntings
Company Overview
Main team members
PJ Kilgore ~ Founder & Lead Investigator
Followed by his team
Patrick Kilgore Co-Founder & Lead Investigator
Alexis Kane- Investigator
Spencer Joyce- Investigator
Madison, WI family of Ghost Travelers
Kelsey Opsal-Investigator
Jaymee Hornby-Investigator
We investigate the claims of the paranormal, document and review evidence. We go to the darkest, and creepiest places, take video, and recordings to try and to figure out if there is really something there, or something paranormal!!! General Information
A dedicated team of paranormal investigators researching and documenting claims of paranormal activity!!!General Information
We Are A 100% Non-Profit Paranormal Group.We Will & Do De-bunk your claims.If it is Something Paranormal Going on we will try to find out what it is.We as A Team have had things with the Paranormal Happen to us in the past.We are Highly Trained People with Many Skills in this area as well as many others. But this is To help people out their in this world to ease their mind & to let them know that they are not alone with some things that they feel & hear & See in their Private Homes,Abandend Homes,Buildings,Graveyards,ECT. Because Spirits.Ghosts are everywhere."A wise person once said that for every Single Person that is alive on this Earth Their are at least 30- Spirits,or Ghost All Around them 24 Hours a Day 7 Days A Week.For this is the Number That The Dead Out Live the Living"Some people say that Ghost Hunters have something wrong with them but we are Seekers,Students,Teachers,& we are always here to help.Are you or someone you know experiencing things That just do'not seem right. Want a group of professional paranormal investigators to investigate your home or business? Or Abandon Places,(We Trully Beleive in 100% being Private.) Ghost Traveler's. Are always here, ready & willing to help those in need/// Email us for more information and/or to request an investigation/// And please refer us to your friends & family who may also Feel The need For our assistance. Thank you for choosing GT & we hope to hear from you soon.