Reflections Publishing House is a thriving company whose passion it is to assists self-published authors get their books smartly and expertly completed. Our record for producing top quality books at and above industry standards continues onward with production of your first or your next book. We move you through the creation of your book step by step with no short cuts are taken. Each book and ebo
ok is treated with a hands-on approach, individually styled to suit the need of the author and reader. We provide our clients with a product they're proud to call their own. We all so provide writers workshops for seasoned writers and new writers. We have recognized that helping others in a collective setting of writers generates a positive synergy. Reflections Publishing House is unique in that sense to provide the tools for writing in the company of peers. In doing the workshops in this fashion, a certain degree of accountability evolves. In addition to publishing books we have events for writers, guiding them through the creative process. Writing can be so exciting when you have a well-rounded understanding of what it take to be a writer. Writing will always be of the utmost importance, but to be good at it takes practice and a discipline that improves the skill-set. Enrich you writing by attending our wonderful writers workshops and writers seminars. In doing so, you will be giving your writing the boost it deserves. We thank you for visit the
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Reflections Publishing House
Deborah Bellis & Melvin Taylor