The image - a Northern Flicker in Yellowstone
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From the Photographer: Spring of 2017, despite a violent act by someone close to me, I pushed on. This is where PTSD really took hold. I slept on the couch for 9 months, barely getting a wink, so scared for my own safety. Though I have hinted at the tough times over the years, today is the first day I have shared these details. I am at a point where I can let them go to dissipate into the atmosphere. The worst part about violence for me was loosing all sense of control. Completely rocked me. However, Nature has helped me understand that my role is as important as any creatures. And with one Life to live, well I am living it!
The image - a Northern Flicker in Yellowstone in their nest cavity. Over the years I have seen different woodpeckers claim this hole in this very tree. To this day, I stop to check it. Taken from as far as I could get away, with a 600mm lens, and cropped for effect. I would never jeopardize a nesting bird. They are so very important to our continued existence.
Photo Credit: Victoria Raphaela Photography