Sharing a piece I wrote a few years ago, and so much of it still rings true. Divorce and other losses we grieve during the holidays often leaves a hole in our hearts. But with enough time, space, and tender-loving care, we can rediscover what makes us whole- and even holy - again. Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and so much love from my holy family to yours on Christmas Eve. 💗💗💗
I’ve been thinking about the Holy family lately, and this photo caught my attention. The screensaver in the background captured it brilliantly. The contrast of that timed photo against this incredible candid of my family brings me the gift of dark humor God knows I cherish- she’s so good to me that way. I went to yoga on Christmas Eve and the teacher made us stand and hold a star pose for an impossible amount of time. It’s always been easy for me to identify with Mary- living with the the anxieties of uncertainty, and sitting in the sorrows of a child’s suffering. Some days I identify with Jesus, holding space for empathy for my inner child, or feeling the weight of the cross I myself bear, putting one foot in front of the other on those “valley-traversing” parts of the journey. There have been days I’ve bent gender roles and looked to St. Joseph when googling how to teach my son to fasten an Oxford tie, start the snowblower, troubleshoot the Xbox, or caulk a leaky bathtub. I’ve certainly felt like an ass this holiday season, believing that Shutterfly’s 50% off coupon would actually expire, and in an exhausted haste to place my order before midnight, leave a child’s name off of 140 Xmas cards. But I’ve never identified with the Star before- I admittedly felt a little dim this year. I was grateful the instructor suggested that pose into our practice, imagining we all have light to extend far and wide, to guide each other home. Some days we follow the light, some days we can light the path for others. Sending a holy family blessing from our home to yours today, in whatever role your members are aptly casted this year: the Marys, the Joesphs, the Jesuses, the wise men and women, the stars. 💕💕💕