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Music 🎶 in this video is Touch - 208touch
And thank you to the Jeff N Greg podcast for putting it together ❤
Birthday Snacks sense covid ruined that to I have to do my own thing! Can't believe she is going to be 7!!!!
Dateline on shady a** Melanie
Melanie goes on Dateline after her interview with Nate Eaton from East Idaho news. Both of her interviews have made me really question why she has not gotten in trouble for keeping her mouth shut this whole time! I find her to been very odd and super "silly".. I think we only know very little of what Melanie really Knows! One day I hope we find out EVERYTHING! #JusticeforJJandTylee #Eviilmonsters #Dateline #showrecap #Truecrimepodcast #Truecrime #WTF #WtfMelanie #sheknowsmore
Susan Smith
One of the worst moms in America! This horrible ex mom killed her sweet little baby boys ages 3 and 14 months.
#SusanSmith #badmom #truecrime #podcastcommunity #truecrimepodcast #childkiller
Psychic's what do you believe?
https://thepsychicfiles.com/ Did an amazing job connecting with Tylee Ryan so I tell about that. But then they (Don't know said sex of the person) did another reading on another local Idaho case. The one of DeOrr Kunz who went missing almost 5 years ago on July 10th 2015. Then I watched an amazing lady at https://youtu.be/4gpfex4tFic on YouTube I also tell you what she thinks might have happened! She is so gifted! on that note.. Tell me what you guys think about Psychic's and all
#psychic @Awakenedstarse1#helpthemissing #findbabydeorr #podcastcommunity #truecrimepodcast