1st Edition Realms of Elghrune Core Guides available soon! PDF’s will be available on our new website, soon you will be able to buy the physical versions on the website as well!
What’s new? An updated system that runs like a fine oiled machine, new perks, new spells, many new art pieces (and quite a few returning favorites, ABSOLUTELY NO AI ART), and just an all around update to the read-ability of the rules!
If I have the 0 Edition Core Guide, do I need this book? No absolutely not. However, we will be sending out the PDF’s of the new guide to y’all for free. It’s the least we could do for sure & we owe it to yall for the travesty that was 0 Edition. There will be no more printings of 0 Edition & you now have a collectible item!
The setting has not changed & the vibe has not changed, we just polished it up…a lot.
Also, announcements on our new kickstarter coming soon! Stay tuned, we have some cool things coming up!
-Cory, SBMS
Cover Artist -