The whole problem….EVERYBODY wanna be famous….everybody want an audience. Everybody want fans and wanna be the King/Queen of the fb drama just for a few laughs. Y’all haven’t learned that the laughs been turning to frowns cause yall all so “Facebook”. People real deal being unalived bout this fb shii….I been saying it….yall need to stop. Ty the youtuber , u gone keep on until the jokes all on you. U pick and instigate more than the average woman. Then the men be right along with your bulls**tt when u downing females, talking folks personal business and when u just “internet” bullying. Then as soon as they’re the topic of discussion they get mad. Ain’t never seen so many men engage in the bullshii you got goin. And as a female, I could NEVA support a nixxa that sit and chat the way you do. You’ll Always be suspect to me…. U got kids dude… Go be a real daddy. This shiii ain’t it. It’s can really take u away from them. Peeps crazy these days. Some of this just shouldn’t be the topic of discussion. At least know your limits. Tbh, the shii from last night shouldn’t have never went on. Now y’all mad cause Davion named somebody who yall “think” ain’t down low. Y’all can’t pick and choose who gets exposed and talked about just because it’s a friend or family member. Then Big Angie wanna always come to clean shiii up when she need to stay in her place. Y’all done piped her up, got her thinking she the man just cause she can speak a few words without giving outta breath. Damn that…..This ain’t have nothing to do with her Kamala Harris wanna be ahh. She looked real uneducated and less of a business woman in other folks mess arguing like she somebody attorney. Guh u raising young ladies and on here with the filthiest mouth ever. I would NEVA use your services nor recommend them witcha wanna be important ahh. Decide if you wanna be a lady of intelligence with a business or if you for the shenanigans. Can’t be both maam. Pipe down and chill…..The city got a dark cloud over it and it’s gonna stay that way until yall asses stop being so “Facebook” and so eager to hear some dirt on somebody name. We all have kids..some adult and this situation is why they growing up repeating this kinda bullshii. 2000 parents tuning in to a live every night just to see who they can look down on. Whole city sad as h3ll……Grow yall asses up and focus on being real “Parents” and stop getting a high offa bullshii…..Stop praising bullshii….Go raise them dam kids cause as of now, the kids in the city ain’t got shiii to look up to.