The last hockey game I ever played was on this rink. I got up early on my birthday and skated so hard I thought I was gonna puke. I loved playing night games on this rink. I loved playing at any time on this rink... I don't have the handles or accuracy like I used to, or the speed and agility. But, it felt so good to put some shots on net again. Hockey was my life when I was growing up. I wasn't very good, but I devoted so much of my time and thoughts to it. I would skate for hours each day in my drive way, the street, parking lots. Anywhere that I could. I have always thought hockey was a form of poetry with all of it's finesse, skill, vision, flow, creativity, and intensity. That, for me, will never change...
#sogoodformerightnow #deviantpedalboards #rollerhockey #bauerhockey #ccmhockey #eastonhockey #devianthockey
Guys, @thejohnjanthony of @thevindys gives us a lil rig run down/rig comparison here. Some would say that the "board" to his left is all you really need, teh purists... his board, so good tho!...
#sogoodformerightnow #deviantpedalboards #guitartone #guitar #toneaddict #tonewithdrawal #whenyougotityougotit #knowyourtone #cleantone #pedalchariot #guitargear #pedalboards #makers #artisans #makersgonnamake #pedalboardoftheday #pedalboardfrenzy #geartalkpnw #geartalk #guitarists #gearybusey #geartalkpnw #guitar #guitargear
Guys, @thejohnjanthony of @thevindys gives a comparison/rig run down here. Some would say the board to his left is teh purist... his board is so good tho...
#sogoodformerightnow #deviantpedalboards #guitartone #guitar #toneaddict #tonewithdrawal #whenyougotityougotit #knowyourtone #cleantone #pedalchariot #guitargear #pedalboards #makers #artisans #makersgonnamake #pedalboardoftheday #pedalboardfrenzy #geartalkpnw #geartalk #guitarists #gearybusey #guitar #guitargear
Guys... did you hear this new reverb pedal from my dude @md.effects??? My gosh... seriously, give him you Mr money for this goodness!!!...
#sogoodformerightnow #deviantpedalboards #guitartone #guitar #knowyourtone #cleantone #worshipleader #worshipguitar #pedalchariot #guitargear #pedalboards #makers #artisans #makersgonnamake #pedalboardoftheday #pedalboardfrenzy #geartalkpnw #geartalk #guitarists #gearybusey #geartalkpnw #worshipguitarist #guitar #guitargear
#mood... got a TEXT from my boss this morning saying I wasn't needed for the last week of my 2 Week Notice. So I am home, playing some guitar and this just sums up how I #reverendguitars Signal Chain:
-@reverendguitars Buckshot -> @westminstereffects Zwingli 3K -> @westminstereffects Knox 800 -> @midnight30music OD no. 30 -> @bossfx_us DD-500 slap back -> @tcelectronic Trinity -> '64 @epiphone Pacemaker...
#sogoodformerightnow #deviantpedalboards #pedalchariot #truthfire #guitartone #guitar #knowyourtone #cleantone #worshipleader #worshipguitar #guitargear #pedalboards #makers #artisans #makersgonnamake #pedalboardoftheday #pedalboardfrenzy #geartalkpnw #geartalk #guitarists #gearybusey #geartalkpnw #worshipguitarist #guitar #guitargear #330 #youngstown
My boy, making me proud...
#sogoodformerightnow #starwars #returnofthejedi
When you at work all day trying to get your machine to do this.. Worked all day with my @secotools rep Aaron to get this CBN insert to make good on the heat treated M2. Stuff is a Rockwell 60... feels good to write my own code and solve some problems guys...
#sogoodformerightnow #instamachinist #haas #secotools #machining #cnclathe #programming
When you a #CNC #machinist but work have you run that old-ess broacher. I guess it's ok since it's a NC broacher. #smh #manualmachinist
Making a custom part at work tonight... also, got to write the program for this part. First program I've written since August....
#sogoodformerightnow #instamachinist #cnclathe #haas #seco
Guys... doing some real machinist work today. Feels so good....
#instamachinist #bridgeportmill #machining