Renowned in the global DJ circuit, REVO, originally from Quito, Ecuador, began his musical journey at 16 as a rock band drummer. Rapidly transitioning to Deep House, Techno, Progressive House, and Trance Music, he seamlessly conquered diverse scenes, earning accolades for electrifying performances at mobile gigs, nightclubs, radio stations, and high-profile corporate events. Acknowledged for his l
ive remixing virtuosity with minimal equipment, REVO dominated as the #1 DJ in Ecuador for an extended period. Mastery In 2001, he made an impactful move to the USA, elevating his music production skills to unparalleled heights. A tech connoisseur, he emerged as a highly sought-after consultant and performer for industry giants, dazzling audiences while showcasing cutting-edge products from Electro-Voice, Bose, Native Instruments, Ableton, Pioneer, Korg, Rane, and Denon at prestigious global events, including the Las Vegas DJ Show, Mobile Beat, and DJ Times Expo.