1MM280 Rings on a vertical dowel.
By #gonzagarredimontessori and available at #etcmontessori
The child stacks the rings on the vertical peg. Use of this material aids in developing hand-eye concentration, size discrimination, concentration, focus and spatial awareness.
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1MM014 Safety Pin Frame. By #gonzagarredimontessori available at ETCmontessoriOnline.com
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1MM014 Buttoning Frame with Small Buttons. By #gonzagarredimontessori available at ETCmontessoriOnline.com
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TL-026. Timeline of early humans.
This timeline is based on the latest research, depicting the development of man from early Australopithecines to modern day Hominids, using actual photographs. Updated to show the current research depicting our possible common ancestry with Neanderthalensis, this timeline also shows the climatic, continental changes, and the development of tool technology.
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TL-023 Timeline of History of Numbers
It’s a journey through time with our timeline of the history of arithmetic, an exploration from 30,000 B.C. to the present day. Discover the awe-inspiring origins of arithmetic, where our ancestors first etched notches into bones to keep track of numbers, sparking the inception of mathematical thought.
As civilizations flourished, so did their mathematical insights. Witness the birth of Algebra in the ancient Babylonian era, and explore the geometrical wonders by the Egyptians and Greeks. Our timeline illustrates how these ancient innovations set the foundational stones for modern mathematics.
Continue through the Middle Ages to uncover how Arabic scholars refined and expanded algebraic knowledge, bridging the gap between antiquity and the Renaissance. Watch as Renaissance thinkers propel mathematical thought into new frontiers, culminating in the analytical geometry that paved the way for calculus.
Our timeline doesn’t just recount facts; it invites you to experience the evolution of mathematical theory through the ages, showing how historical context and mathematical discoveries intertwined to shape the modern world.
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Offering an elementary Montessori curriculum full classroom solution and a Nienhuis Montessori solution. Meet AMS and AMI recommendations while at the same time meeting your state and national standards.
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Offering a lower elementary Montessori curriculum full classroom solution and a Nienhuis Montessori solution. These solutions allow you to get everything you need without having to worry about going through to make sure you have everything you need. Meet AMS and AMI recommendations while at the same time meeting your state and national standards.
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TL-025 Timeline of Language
Communication is one of the most important aspects of civilization. Students can now begin to understand how communication influences every aspect of our lives. This full color timeline can be used for the Great Lesson of Language.
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Timeline of the creation of the Universe. TL-022
The story of the creation of the Universe is the first Great Lesson and it has been presented to generations of children that are a part of the Montessori pedagogy.
This timeline is an ETC Montessori exclusive and was developed to be more than just a visual representation of this Great Lesson. For many of us it is a story that is a part of the opening of every school year, and now you can bring this story to life with amazing clarity, teacher demonstrations, interactive panels and brilliant displays.
The 2024 Edition (v 8.0) of ETC Montessori’s Timeline of Life is the result of extensive collaboration with scientists from institutions like the Smithsonian Institute and Columbia University. This latest version is the result of the combination of cutting-edge scientific knowledge and Montessori educational principles, embodying our commitment to a comprehensive “Total Montessori” approach.
In Montessori classrooms, the Timeline of Life is a key resource for exploring the vast journey of biological evolution. It is visually designed with colored lines that represent various evolutionary paths, helping children easily follow the development from ancient to modern life forms. This thoughtful design highlights critical biological milestones, such as the significant increase in plant life during the Devonian period, making these concepts interesting and accessible to students.
The detail on this timeline is extensive, featuring vibrant images that illustrate major evolutionary moments, including the rise of mammals. It also clearly marks major extinctions and ice ages, like those in the Proterozoic Era, giving students a thorough understanding of the events that have influenced life on our planet.
Carefully aligned with other Montessori materials, the imagery and evolutionary paths on the Timeline of Life complement those in the Tree of Life (Cladistic model). This coordination supports a cohesive learning experience, enhancing students’ grasp and retention of complex biological and evolutionary ideas. This interconnected approach provides a consistent educational narrative, vital for nurturing a holistic view of life’s historical development.
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Explore the full classroom solutions from ETC Montessori and Nienhuis Montessori for early childhood.
We continue to be the go-to Montessori company for curriculum thoroughness and quality.
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Homeschooling is all about the joy of learning together!
The homeschool edition of the ETC Montessori cards, are perfectly designed for your home environment. Each card is designed to spark curiosity. Whether it’s the beauty of nature, the intrigue of language, or the mystery of the cosmos, embark on a hands-on educational journey that brings a new joy to working together.